A Tool To View Items Of Damaged As Well As Healthy BKF File

For proper working of system and for safety of database, the Windows user usually takes backup of database and once in a week or on daily basis, the need to check the integrity of this backup i.e. the need to view items stored in this backup, also gets faced by the Windows user. Unfortunately, there is no manual way available to check the items contained in Windows backup file (.bkf) like the user just right click on BKF file and view its items. The only thing, which a Windows user can do to view the items of .bkf is, restoring database of BKF file on computer system using NTBackup utility.
The need to check integrity of BKF file also comes in situations when user doesn’t make any use of BKF file for long time. Huge Windows backup files stored on hard disk from long time can easily get corrupted due to visit more information reasons like bad hard disk sectors, malware infections, human errors, etc and if once, the corruption in BKF file takes place, the entire database stored in it becomes inaccessible. When user tries to restore database from any corrupt or damaged BKF file, ‘NTBackup utility’ restricts him with severe irresolvable error messages and he doesn’t left with any option to view the items stored in damaged BKF file.
Easy viewing of items stored in BKF file is already not possible, user has to restore it to view items stored in it and when this BKF file gets damaged then, the task of viewing BKF file items becomes almost impossible because NTBackup.exe fails to read it.
How to View Items Stored in BKF file Even if it is Corrupt?-The items stored in corrupt BKF file can be viewed easily with BKF Viewer tool, which is available free of cost and can be used to view all items of BKF file. The Viewer tool first scans corrupt BKF file, then, performs recovery of items stored of items stored in it and at last, provides preview of all the recovered items best electric kettle review guides on computer. You can preview each folder and each item stored in Windows BKF file comfortably with the help of this free BKF Viewer tool.
After checking out what all items are stored in damaged BKF file with free BKF Viewer tool, the point comes at BKF Recovery like how to repair BKF file and extract all items stored in it. Recovery of BKF file is not possible with free BKF viewer tool, for doing that, the user needs to choose BKF Repair software. Process to recover BKF file can be performed properly and comfortably with third party Windows Backup Recovery tool. The tool can also be called as an upgraded version or pro version of BKF Viewer tool because it works similar to BKF viewer tool, just offers an extra facility of extracting recovered BKF items on computer system like it first performs BKF file scanning, then recovery of all items stored in it, after that, shows preview and at last extracts all recovered items on computer system. Combinedly, BKF Viewer and BKF Restore tools both prove as fully effective package to view items stored in corrupt BKF file and to restore BKF file.

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