Anger can be like an addiction in that people are very creative in finding all sorts of rationales for their anger and why they don’t need anger management. At times it can almost appear as if they are in denial about their anger management issues. Part of the reason for this is that the way our behavior looks to us on the inside can look a whole lot different to someone on the receiving end of things.
I was in denial about my anger management problem, thinking that other people were too sensitive and that they were the ones with the problem. Sometimes people are too sensitive but when you think that pretty much everyone in your life is too sensitive (as I did) you may be in denial about the need for anger management classes
Two things happened that shook me out of my blindness to my anger control problem. The first occurred about 18 years ago when I was working with a couple and all of a sudden the wife just went off on her husband. It was just like looking at myself – she used the same tone of voice, the same language, had the same look in her eyes and the same body language that I used and I was absolutely shocked at how forceful and frightening her reaction was. But that wasn’t enough for me to realize that I had an anger management problem.
A couple of days later I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine and I raised my voice, not in anger, but just because of the story I was telling him. All of a sudden my dog jumped down off the chair and ran under the bed. It was then that I realized I had an anger control problem. I mean if your own dog is scared of you things are pretty bad.
So, with that in mind, lets quickly review some of the stories people with anger management problems this website tell themselves to minimize or justify their anger.
1) Venting, or taking it out on others, decreases anger. This actually reinforces the neural networks associated with the anger response. Becoming angry actually makes one more likely to get angry again. Anger feeds anger.
2) Strong anger is necessary to get people to listen to me. Do you like it when others treat you with contempt? While someone may go along with you in the short term just to get you off their back in the long run anger breeds resentment and rebellion.
3) If I don’t get angry, I don’t care. Anger certainly shows that you are paying attention. But does anger really get the job done any quicker or make someone else feel like you care about them? Care can be shown with patient, disciplined attention as well as by firmness and giving of time. You can be firm without being having anger management issues.
4) Someone who makes me angry is worthless and deserves what they have coming to them. When you make mistakes do you feel like you deserve to get both barrels? Dehumanizing someone just makes it easier for you not to feel bad about hurting someone’s feelings.
5) Showing less anger means I think the other person is right. Or, using anger management means that you are learning ways to deal with offenders more coolly, effectively, and constructively. Again, who do you respect more – someone who blasts you or someone who treats subway surfers cheats may 2015 you with respect?
6) Every day brings all sorts of problems for me to deal with. This is true for all of us. Every day also brings a lot of good things too. The problem is not as much the world’s imperfections as it is what we focus on and what we tell ourselves about it that causes anger management problems.
7) Depression is anger turned inward. Actually for many depression is anger turned outward. Depressed people often show higher levels of anger and anxiety. They often struggle with anger management because its just growtopia hack android so uncomfortable to be in their skin or because their coping resources are so depleted all they are capable of doing when stressed is lash out in anger. People struggling with anger control issues are two to three times more likely to have a psychiatric illness such as depression than those who do not struggle with anger.
Archive for the ‘College news’ Category
Denial in People with Anger Management Problems
Wednesday, September 18th, 2013Lose Belly Fat Now – Excellent Approaches for Shedding Belly Fat
Tuesday, September 17th, 2013If you believe that all fats are bad, think again, because you couldn’t be more wrong.
Fats are essential for our survival. They serve as the cloak that protects our body from cold temperatures. Absorption, as well as digestion of various vitamins K, E, D, and A cannot happen in our bodies without fats.
Although fats are required for us to survive, too much of them bring along all sorts of diseases. Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and gall bladder disorders top the list. In most cases, these diseases can lead to more serious health issues and even death.
The major contributing factors to the accumulation of unwanted fats in our body are overeating, no exercise and lack of a balanced diet. Slow metabolism can also translate to fat deposition in our bodies. This means that the speed by which our system burns food is slower than its speed in getting it. Thus, fats become stored in excessive quantities that they show through the bulges of our stomach. And when they’ve been there for long, it can be so difficult to get them out. Most people don’t even care to try.
But you can win the battle of the bulge. True, it takes a lot more time and patience, but it can be done. Here are a few simple tips to get you started:
1. Increase diep io cheats online your physical activity. You can start by hiding the remote control. If you need to switch channels, you need to get up from your seat and do it manually from the TV set. Walk your dog. Park your car some distance away from the grocery store or your workplace so you can walk the rest of the way. Engage in sports. Increased physical activity boosts your metabolism which burns the fat from your midsection. Keep moving!
2. Eat small servings more frequently. Include fruits and vegetables (at least 5 servings) and lean meat and fish as part of your diet but spread out them out all throughout the madden mobile cheats tool day. This minimizes hunger pangs more effectively than if you were to have three huge meals a day. Avoid so-called low-carb diets that wreck havoc on your metabolism, slow it down and get you all fattened up again.
3. Go easy on the saturated fats. Choose lean portions instead of fatty parts. Bake or steam when you can and if you must fry, use healthy oils.
4. Don’t focus on ab workouts alone. This won’t lose you the belly fat. Do cardio exercises and bodyweight workouts like calisthenics to strengthen your core and increase metabolism at least three times a week. This burns the fat off. Note: If you’re suffering from any form of illness, are overweight or obese and/or have a preexisting medical condition, go to your doctor first diep io hack online before embarking on any exercise regimen.
5. Be determined. Quitting on your regimen won’t do you any good. Exercise and proper diet will eventually let you win the battle of the bulge. But it takes time, effort and consistency. You can lose the belly fat if you put your heart and soul into it.
Be sure to read my revealing TurboJam reviews and find out how easy it is to lose belly fat quickly with the Turbo Jam workout today.
Islam and Scope of International Law
Wednesday, September 11th, 2013Islamic law has almost described all issues of human beings in a very organized and systematic manner. Islam has given some rules and regulations to lead life for personal and public affairs. Likewise, Islam has also given some international rules and obligations. It has told us how to rule and govern the states and how to manage state affairs with other states and nations. Muslim rulers must follow the rulings of the Holy Quran regarding international affairs and they also emulate the ruling methods of Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) and his successors. Islam has particularized its own structure of public international law. In the initial days of Islam, the term “Siyar” was used to indicate the law linking to war, concord and impartiality and was trained as a portion of Islamic fiqh in all the Muslim organizations.
With the passage of time, Muslim attorneys and historians organized and developed this nba live mobile cheat online branch of law as an independent field and subject. It was the Muslim academics who advanced a science of international law and dissociating it from political science and general law and ended it an autonomous topic. In the start the Islamic law of nations was rule which ruled the behavior of war simcity buildit cheat and partitions of booty, but later this idea was used in the wider sense which contain in its realm peaceful relationships, making of agreements and travel of persons from one state to another for profitable determinations etc. likewise, when we perform Umrah or visit holy places through December Umrah Packages, we are bound share this website to follow rules and regulation of Saudi Arabia.
There are some certain objects of drafting international rules which must be implemented at each step of political life. The primary rule and basic purpose of international law is promotion of peace and brotherhood among different countries. Combats and conflicts musts be removed completely from the international politics. Freedom of national interests of each and every nations and their sovereignty is also aim of Islamic international law and rules.
Moreover, Islamic laws regarding international politics also speaks about provision of justice at state level. It the moral and legal reasonability of Islamic states to ensure justice and equality between non-Muslims and Muslims members of the society. The chief object of Islam is to secure peace instead of war excluding the religious one i.e. for the defense of religion, that is way from the very onset, Islam entered into peaceful agreements with its adjacent states with a set of instructions and practices.
There are some sources from which international law can be laid down. Like the normal laws of the land, Quran is also the main source of Muslim global law. The Holy Quran says at once place Manhood were one community Allah directed prophets as carriers of good things and as warner. Sunnah is the another source of Muslim global law all the performances and proverbs of Holy Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) is compulsory on Muslim public. Ijma or agreement of opinion of Muslim jurists to a specific point of global rule is requisite on all Muslims. The judgement of Muslim jurists on dissimilar proposals of international law are also regarded as basis of Muslim international law. These separate opinions may be originated in judicial choices or some work. Custom and practices of the pre-Islamic Arabic are accepted by Islam which are sensible and just and those duties and usages are basis of Muslim worldwide law.
Demystifying the Art of Palm Reading
Monday, September 9th, 2013Also known as Chiromancy, Palm reading has its roots in ancient Indian and Egyptian cultures. As an art that took form in East Asia, it has transcended borders and is now popular in many parts of the world. Its success can be largely owed to the articulate and accurate nature of its predictions. The lines on the palm can accurately predict the past, present and even future events. Palm reading considers various aspects of the hand-the shape (cheirognom), the mounts (cheirosophy) and the lines and formations on the palm (cheiromancy).
The shape of the hand plays an important role in determining a person’s character. It is the first thing that palm readers notice while conducting a palm reading analysis.
Here’s a brief on the five common hand shapes.
Shapes of the hand
Earth hand
Physical attributes- broad, square palms and fingers, thick and coarse skin with a pinkish tinge.
Typical characteristics
• Headstrong and can get stubborn at times
• Have a pragmatic outlook on life
• Tend to be materialistic
• Possess the capabilities to acquire wealth
Air hand
Physical attributes- fingers longer than the palm that is square or rectangular shaped, dry skin
Typical characteristics
• Social and witty
• Like to engage in lengthy conversations
• Harbor ill feelings and resentment for a long time
• Can be cold and this website calculative
Water hand
Physical attributes-relatively long hand, almost oval shaped with slender tapering fingers, length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers
Typical characteristics
• Display superior creative skills
• Introverted and prefer to do things quietly
• Have frequent mood swings
Fire hand
Physical attributes- short and stout fingers, square or rectangular shaped palm
Typical characteristics
• Bold and courageous
• Tend to be inconsiderate and insensitive to others
• Extroverted
• Spontaneous
Combination hand (Air-Earth and Water-Air madden mobile hack android hand)
Physical attributes- people with the combination type of hand shape have both the attributes of the respective hand shapes
Typical characteristics
• Since they have characteristics of both hand shapes, they are more balanced and practical.
• Intuitive
• Remain calm even in trying situations
Apart from the shape of the hand, there are other aspects of palm reading which together reveal a person’s character and destiny. Understanding the patterns and lines of the palm is no mean task. A palmist or palm reader is the person qualified and trained in the art, and finding one is not very easy. However, with online palm reading one is not required to go through the hassle of searching for a trustworthy and qualified palm reader.
Online palm reading has surfaced as a hassle free and reliable method for making accurate predictions. Online Palm readers can provide accurate forecasts of your future and also give a detailed description of your growtopia hack android personality. Additionally, they can also inform you about the ways in which you can improve and enhance your luck. All you need to do is send in a picture of your hand and then sit; you will receive a detailed analysis of your palm reading for a small fee.
Lose Belly Fat Fast With 2 Vital Secrets To Real Fat Loss
Sunday, September 8th, 2013Do you struggle to lose belly fat? I bet you’re thinking that you’ve tried every technique in the world to try to lose your stubborn belly fat, but it just never seems to budge… right? I’m sure you see TONS of commercials and ads making all kinds of miracle claims that you can lose your belly fat overnight with their magic pill or wildly-hyped snake-oil supplement. How about all of the bogus infomercial gadgets out there claiming you can reduce your belly fat in a matter of days just by strapping some worthless “ab-belt” around your waist, or sizzle away the stomach fat by using their patented “ab-roller-rocker” do-hicky.
Come on now! I hope you’ve been insulted by all of these fraudulent marketers and the gimmicks and scams that they are pushing down spider man unlimited hack your throat by trying to get you to believe that a belly-fat reduction miracle is possible overnight.
So let’s get past all of the scams and gimmicks and get right down to the hard science and reality behind what techniques and strategies really do help you to lose your stubborn belly fat and keep it off for life!
1) The first important principle we’ll discuss is how you structure your workouts. In order to stimulate fat-loss from your stomach, you need to stop wasting so much of your time doing all kinds of abdominal exercises and hundreds of reps of crunches, leg lifts, and torso twists in the head soccer hack tool no survey hopes of “spot-reducing” your belly and love handles.
I’m sure you know by now if you’ve read any reputable fitness publications over the last decade that spot-reduction DOES NOT occur. It’s a myth that just won’t seem to go away. The truth is, you don’t lose belly fat by doing exercises that target the stomach area. Unfortunately, even though most people by now do understand this (or at least they should), they still spend WAY too much of their training time trying to target the stomach with tons of abs exercises.
Now don’t get me wrong, a certain amount of abdominals exercises are great and they do help to strengthen your core and help you maintain a healthy back. But the fact is that direct abs exercises should only be a small portion of your workout routines. The majority of your time should be spent focusing on multi-joint exercises that work the largest muscle groups of the body like the legs, chest, and back.
Now that is one of the REAL secrets for ridding yourself of that sloppy belly fat for good. Focusing on big multi-joint exercises for the largest portions of your body greatly increases your metabolic rate both during the workout, and for 24-48 hours after the workout. In addition, this also stimulates an increase in fat-burning hormones within your body. You simply don’t get this type of metabolic and hormonal response by wasting most of your time with “abs-pumping” exercises.
Want to lose belly fat… Well, get your butt under a barbell and do some squats, do some deadlifts, some lunges, step-ups, some back and chest work. It doesn’t matter per se if it’s barbells, dumbbells, or even bodyweight exercises… the focus needs to be on big multi-joint exercises at a high intensity. That means no 5-minute rest periods between sets while you flap your gums with half of the people at the gym. Losing your belly fat for good requires some focus and intensity in your workouts! Anybody who tells you that you can do it while sitting on your couch watching TV with some “ab-belt” strapped to you, or doing only 2-minutes of crunching with your “ab-rocker-roller” is flat out lying to you!
2) The second important principle to rid yourself of that flabby belly revolves around your nutrition. The first thing you need to realize is that “diets” only work against your body in your effort to lose the stomach fat. You see, if you follow any of these fad diets like low-carb, or low-fat, or the grapefruit diet, the soup diet, or anything else that restricts 1 or more of super mario run hack tool online the macro-nutrients (protein, carbs, and fat), most of the time you will actually lose lean muscle and lower your metabolic rate. This only makes you fatter in the long run, when you start to eat normal again!
I could go into all kinds of details, but essentially you are messing up processes related to your hormonal balance in your body, the muscle glycogen process, insulin, blood sugar, etc., and this stops your fat loss dead in its tracks!
It’s important to stop falling for the fad diet gimmicks, and understand that as humans, we are meant to eat a balanced diet full of a diverse array of foods from healthy natural sources of carbohydrates, proteins, AND fats. This gives your body all of the macro-nutrients as well as all of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that your body needs to run as a well-oiled fat-burning machine!
I could go on and on with dozens more strategies for losing your belly fat fast, the natural way, but this article can only be so long, so see below to download a free report detailing some of my best fat-loss strategies for helping you to flatten that belly and uncover those hidden abdominals of yours.
Lose Weight By Reading And Following This Advice
Sunday, September 8th, 2013It doesn’t matter if you are attempting to lose a few pounds or a few hundred pounds, the same principals will get you to that final goal, either way. This article has outlined those basic principals and a few more to get you to that ultimate number on the scale.
Be on the lookout for sugars and sweeteners when assembling a diet for weight loss. The natural sugars that occur in foods like fruit are a far cry from the synthetic compounds used to sweeten processed foods. Investigate ingredients carefully and remain aware that artificial sweeteners can show up in unlikely places. Even foods that do not taste sweet may be packed with sugar and its synthetic compatriots.
An easier way to create a diet for losing weight is to think of what to add to your diet rather than what to remove. Try to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This will give you lots of needed vitamins and minerals, as well as filling you up so you can’t eat as much junk.
Persuade a partner, spouse or friend to lose weight with you. When you are tackling a goal alone, it can be difficult to stay focused and motivated. By sharing a challenging weight loss goal with a friend, partner or family member, you can both help each other to stay on track.
It has been found that people who eat eggs in the morning, remain less hungry than those who eat meals with lots of carbs. If you are trying to lose weight, it is important that you feel full for as long as possible. When you eat items that do not keep you full, you will end up eating more to avoid feeling hungry.
You have heard it all before, but eating breakfast is critical for your weight-loss plan. Recent research shows that if you skip breakfast, check here your madden mobile cheats tool brain lights up when it sees high-calorie food, which makes you more likely to indulge. But, if your stomach is full of whole-grain cereals and such, this will not be as much of an issue.
If you already go to a gym to work out, look into the classes that they offer. Many of them are free, and others may have a free trial period to check them out and see if they are for you. Losing weight with other people is the best way to stay consistent.
One way to help yourself lose weight is to eat sugar. Actually, what I really mean is to avoid sugar substitutes. Fake sugar can cause real cravings for sweet things and too many of those can cause weight gain or just curb your weight loss. Some sugar substitutes can also have nasty side effects. So go ahead, eat your sugar, just do it in moderation.
As stated in the beginning, these tips and rules will help you lose the weight, hungry shark world hack cydia whether you are trying to fit back into your skinny jeans, or take off the baby weight from three kids! Weight loss is a tried and true result with the same basic principals to get you there.
Dell D620 Review
Saturday, September 7th, 2013As the center child even although in the business-focused Latitude brood, the Dell Latitude D620 is bigger compared to ultra-portable D410 and scaled-down compared to middle-sized D820. Like its huge brother, the D620 has undergone an extensive overhaul, emerging with some superb new features for example a 14.1-inch wide-aspect show (the previous type was common aspect), an Intel primary Duo processor, a fingerprint sensor as well as a 3G/HSDPA card.
The system’s cell usefulness is exceptional to the D610’s, even although the battery existence on our evaluation system, which was equipped receiving a 9-cell unit, was excellent. even although in the end, firms which have previously standardised inside the Latitude D600 sequence may really feel at ease adding the brand new D620 to their convenient families. But companies commencing from scratch may properly need to hold into account other thin-and-light alternatives.
The Latitude D620 hints the scales on the identical 2.5kg bodyweight since the previous-generation D610 and features the identical 30mm thickness. The D620’s new dual-tone grey color plan offers it a sleeker glance than its predecessor. thinking about roblox hack cheats tool the fact that D620 now features a wide-aspect screen, its dimensions are different: the circumstance is 338mm broad and 238mm deep — slightly wider and shallower than before. Overall, the Latitude D620’s dimension falls in collection with other methods providing 14.1-inch wide-aspect displays. There are undoubtedly scaled-down laptops in Dell’s Latitude lineup — the Latitude X1, for example — however the D620 is brightness enough for occasional path and switching all through the office.
From a pattern standpoint, the Latitude D620 may properly be considered a scaled-down edition from the D820. even although the D820’s show actions 15.4 inches, the D620 carries a clear, sufficiently brilliant 14.1-inch wide-aspect display receiving a native resolution of 1,440 x 900 pixels. The D620’s keyboard is broad enough, but its keys are noisy in comparison to the D820’s. each laptops attribute three handy amount buttons, as well as a touchpad as well as a pointing stick receiving a corresponding arranged of computer mouse buttons — although the D820’s stick carries a flat best that’s much less difficult to manipulate compared to D620’s rounded eraser head.
On the D620, the touchpad’s common computer mouse buttons are of enough size, but if — as on our evaluation method — you include biometric security, Dell swaps them out for two scaled-down types using the fingerprint sensor wedged in between them; we need the buttons have been larger. The D620 carries a pretty sorry excuse for just about any speaker on its top edge, that is not uncommon for just about any business portable. Fortunately, the D620 shares the D820’s superb metal hinges that safe its show to its base, also it provides a similarly sturdy magnesium alloy inside frame as well like a shock-protected difficult drive.
Dell has set up wireless communications a best priority to the D620. We especially like its handy Wi-Fi finder feature, which lets you check for nearby Wi-Fi systems by merely sliding a change inside the system’s left edge. The attribute performs when you’re booted up or powered down, which means you don’t even need to turn your method on to appear throughout a network. Other wireless choices consist of the cutting-edge, wireless bluetooth + EDR (Enhanced information Rate) card as well as a Dell Wireless 5505 cell Broadband 3G HSDPA card receiving a Vodafone SIM. Our check unit experienced Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, but lacked the 3G card, which could be invested in at an additional cost.
The Latitude D620’s unremarkable array of ports, jacks and slots will satisfy common business connectivity needs. Highlights consist of infrared, VGA and 4 USB 2.0 ports, as well as a serial port for companies that can’t allow go of legacy peripherals. You also get headphone and microphone jacks, just one sort II PC Card slot as well as just one SmartCard slot that accommodates credit history cards that contains covert information, for example cost card quantities or delicate passwords. you could properly safe a complete whole lot more of your top-secret details by saving it to the Trusted system Module chip that’s hardwired to the D620’s motherboard.
In inclusion to the 3G and Wi-Fi pointed out above, system connections consist of modem and Ethernet jacks. although the D620 lacks some features — for example S-Video and SPDIF audio tracks ports as well as a advertising card reader — which could be enclosed in most modern customer more information laptop, it stands up properly up coming to other big-business portables, for example the HP Compaq nc6230 and Lenovo’s ThinkPad T60. As with most business laptops, the Latitude D620 doesn’t dispatch receiving a complete whole lot ask previous glass windows XP professional and Roxio electronic advertising for optical disc-burning tasks.
Our check configuration’s worth is reasonable, thinking about its sturdy specs: a 2GHz Intel primary Duo T2500 processor, 1GB of quick 533MHz memory, an 80GB difficult generate spinning at 5,400rpm, as well as a swappable DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive. Our evaluation method experienced integrated images (Intel GMA 950). As much as usefulness is concerned, the D620 finished our MobileMark 2002 check suite with precisely the identical rating (214) since the Lenovo ThinkPad T60, which experienced a slightly slower 1.83GHz T2400 primary Duo processor and 512MB much less RAM.
This may properly be considered a completely enough usefulness level for operating mainstream business apps below standard conditions. Battery existence was an amazing 6 several hours 22 minutes, many thanks to our evaluation system’s optional 9-cell battery; using the 6-cell common battery fitted, you can anticipate a a complete whole lot more modest cell uptime of near to 4 hours.
Avoid IRS Salary Garnishment – 3 Measures towards Clear up or Dedication a Garnish of Wages
Saturday, September 7th, 2013Incorporate on your own been effected as a result of a garnish of wages? It is the course of action of deducting funds versus an staff’s income. The garnish of wages will carry on right up until the total financial debt contains been repaid. A person of the largest garnishments is towards not spending taxes. Income garnishment can harmfully impact credit score, popularity, and financial loans. Less than are a few ways in direction of remedy or willpower your garnish of wages:
1) Be open up with your Manager
Transfer in direction of your manager or HR rep and instantly describe your predicament. Notify them what yourself are undertaking towards restore the dilemma and enable them realize by yourself are trying to get illustration toward just take oneself all through this mess and that yourself completely intend towards get back compliance with the IRS.
2) Look at on your own lender accounts
Recognize that the IRS may well be next other competitive collections video game within just coordination with a garnish of wages. Keep an eye on your lender accounts. Some These say your self ought to pull out some working economical if the IRS consists of not however levied an busy account.
3) Come across an proficient tax consultant
Document all delinquent tax returns as a result your self are within compliance with the IRS considering that they gained’t offer with by yourself till on your own are within compliance. If the IRS is made up of submitted a choice for return (SFR) upon your behalf, it is critical towards document an suitable return for that tax calendar year, and be indeed in direction of incorporate all felony deductions. The IRS just features common deductions inside their calculations. Employ a tax consultant in the direction of do this in the direction of guidance oneself buy all criminal deductions for which your self qualify.
Include your tax agent perform with your employer towards crank out yes all forms is submitted very well in the direction of boost the probability of a straightforward garnish of wages decline or launch. Function with your tax consultant in direction of determine out how oneself’re relocating towards fork out off or try out in the direction of settle no matter what credit card debt yourself however owe the IRS right after submitting proper returns. For some folks, accurately submitting appropriate returns requires treatment of a ton of the to start with IRS personal debt.
For some others, it basically results in items even worse. Both course, your self should really get back compliance with the IRS or probability struggling with a significant and steady garnish of wages. Last Day On Earth Survival cheats Selecting a tax illustration enterprise such as TaxMasters is a Excellent concept, simply because we Deliver expert services that carry the optimum convenience in direction of each and every of our shoppers. We can guard oneself versus IRS harassment and contribute on your own towards powerful floor.
Achieving Personal Effectiveness Through Personal Mastery
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Have you ever wondered why some people seem to accomplish so much while others struggle along barely able to attend to their daily needs? Highly effective people usually fulfill their achievements with less work and effort than those who accomplish little. The difference lies in their individual effectiveness. How you manage yourself at work defines your personal effectiveness, and is a prerequisite to outstanding performance – whatever your level of seniority. Building self-awareness, identifying areas where you can maximize your contribution, gaining access to key skills and techniques – all are critical to improving your personal performance.
Achieving peak performance through personal mastery begins with self-awareness of oneself. Mastery does not happen by accident. It is a process that occurs as we interact effectively with the events and circumstances of our lives. Masters are the victors of life, those who step up to the challenges and opportunities of life with the courage, determination, and wisdom to win in all spheres of life. You see, each moment of our lives provides an opportunity to practice mastery by expanding our visions, awakening the faculties of our minds and our hearts, and assuming full responsibility for living, growing, and contributing to life.
Personal effectiveness means making the most of all personal resources at our disposal – our personal talents, energy and time relative to what’s most important to us. It is like money management or investment – we want to get the best return on our resources. As with managing money, we can either drift through life making ad hoc decisions or we can set time aside periodically to review our investments. As a great philosopher once said, “Personal effectiveness is not about sacrificing spontaneity or opportunism to be super organized if this is not your style.
It’s more a matter of taking whatever steps that fit your style to give you the feeling that you are making best use of your talents, energy and time”. As the saying goes, “being successful is in the eyes of the beholder” – for some it means having a satisfying personal life, for others it is some form of career success that drives them. The only right answer is the one that makes you happy. The big question is: How happy are you with your life right now? Are you personally fulfilled in what you are doing presently? How much enthusiastic are you about what you do? You see, enthusiasm is a positive emotion that sparks like fire in achieving your goals. You cannot be fulfilled in doing what you hate. No matter how much you are being paid, the totality of the satisfaction you derive in doing what you are not passionate about is a life without fulfillment.
Your personal effectiveness has a lot to do with your personal leadership. In my previous articles, we made it clear that you are the leader of your own life. You are the custodian and steward of your life given to you by your creator. The ability to take full responsibility of your own life is an evidence of your self-leadership on display and this makes you highly effective as a person.
Let us examine some other key determinants to achieving personal effectiveness:
Have a clear-cut vision: Know what you want out of life and vividly picture yourself achieving it. This calls for a purposeful living because if you do not know where you are going, any road can take you there. Success and progress towards achieving your goals in life begin with knowing where you are going. Many people go about their lives trying to do everything and then end up being a master of none. Having a clear-cut vision of your life is an indisputable first step of becoming highly effective because it makes you to be mentally focused in one direction.
Put first thing first: The first step in putting first things first is to identify the “first things” in your life by prioritizing your projects and tasks. The second, and often the hardest step, is to actually put the “first things” first: to live your priorities. Once you have a clear-cut vision as outlined above, then you must align your priorities towards achieving it by not engaging in unnecessary activities that will steal your time.
Remember that you can do almost anything, but you cannot do everything. Whenever you start subway surfers hack online a task, you are automatically giving up everything else you could have done during that time.
The best practice of putting first things first means taking conscious control of your choices and choosing to spend more time on the projects and tasks that are important and valuable, and less time on the ones that are not as important or valuable.
Thinking outside the box is a cliché or catchphrase used to refer to looking at a problem from a new perspective. The catchphrase has become widely used in business environments, especially by management consultants and executive coaches, and has spawned visit our website a number of advertising slogans. Anyway, you should know that you cannot do without thinking, and not just ordinary thinking, but creative thinking that produces creative ideas. To be highly effective, you must learn to see problems from a new perspective that it does not stifle your creativity. A creative mind thinks outside the box and it does not see limitations. It cannot be caged by problems or setbacks. Thinking outside the box is an individual choice, and it begins by thinking differently in every situation that confronts your way.
Personal development: Committing to lifelong self-improvement is one vital key of becoming highly effective. As they say, “knowledge is power”. What you don’t know is greater than you until you discover it. Personal development is about adding value to life. It exposes ignorance and ushers you into the realm of knowing. Commit to learning all you can and be the best in gta 5 hack tool online your profession. For example, if you are an accountant, learn all you can and study to become a chartered accountant. Aim to always be at the top, and become an expert in whatever you do.
Click the link below to buy some of my latest books from my online store:
> Ten (10) C’s of Personal Power.
> Unleashing Your Potential.
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Lord Mahakal and Goddess Mahakali Represent Wrath and Serenity Respectively-Part 2
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013In the past 100 years Mahakal has incarnated in minor forms. He has played a great role in era transformation. Contemporary laymen can never measure contemporary human Avatars. The reality dawns much later. Jesus Christ while he was alive was very much harassed and oppressed. For his entire life he had only 13 followers and one of them tried to kill him. Now after 2000 years people revere Christ and 1/3rd of the world’s population have become Christians. Generally all prophets during their times have had to face insults, opposition, mockery and harassment. Hence in this century Mahakal who has incarnated is not being understood properly by the world. Yet the reality is this, that in the recent past, many extraordinary prophets full of soul force have incarnated and have amazingly laid down the foundation stones of era transformation. Along with these partial incarnations of Mahakal, Mahakali too has contributed a great deal and as always is working for establishment of righteousness in the world.
In these days amongst the partial incarnations for era transformation, Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans and Yogi Aurobindo stand out. Although both carried out different tasks yet they mutually supported one another. Both performed austerities and rendered the subtle world so influential, radiant and hot as a result of which radiant souls could take birth for era transformation. When we read past history it is clear that never before as has been seen in the past 100 years so many saintly people took birth. After Lord Buddha for the past 2000 years, saintly people’s appearance in this world had virtually stopped.
In order to overcome this there was a need of terrific spiritual energy which to a great extent was fulfilled by saints.
Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans imbibed Yoga of Devotion and Shri Aurobindo Yoga of Wisdom. Due to this light an upheaval took place in the subtle world. Thus a divine aura surrounded the psyche of everyone. Hence despite trying situations it was possible for India to attain political freedom. What seemed impossible before became possible. In their own way they performed austerities and created that atmosphere whereby so many great political leaders manifested.
Paramhans’ austerities aided manifestation of great leaders like Bankimchandra, Mahatma Malviya, Lokmanya Tilak, Gopal Gokhle, Justice Ranade, dadabhai Naoroji, Keshav Chandra Sen etc. in 1857 the famous Gadar war was fought in those days. At that time Tatya Tope along with Nana Saheb and Rani Lakshmibai fought so well that it helped induce the laymen’s psyche to yearn for freedom. So many reforming, religious and social centers took birth in these days.
Swami Vivekananda was Ramkrishna’s shadow. By giving the atheist Narendra a fair portion of his divine energy transformed him into Vivekananda. One day the young Narendra engulfed by dire economic circumstances approached Paramhans like other devotees for blessings. The latter sent Naren to Goddess Kali’s temple and asked him to pray to her. Narendra had gone to pray for wealth but as soon as he came face to face with Kali he prayed fervently: Give me wisdom, give me devotion, give me strength and peace. Apart from this I do not want anything. Kali gave him exactly that and this youth later became Swami Vivekananda. Once Paramhans gently kicked his chest and Naren entered a deep trance or Samadhi. At the time of death Paramhans transferred a lot of his soul power into this spiritual heir of his. On the basis of this power head soccer hack tool no survey Swami Vivekananda rendered Indian culture enlightened, revered and re-awakened in alien countries. The knowledge attained by those who came in contact with Ramkrishna Paramhans is found in various books. On reading it we realize that he poured so much nectar in order to render the individual and world society great and advanced in stature. Not only via the speech of tongue (Vaikhari) but via speeches of Madhyama, Para and Pashyanti too, rendered the atmosphere with an aura of divine light. Vivekananda was like his mouth piece and it was he who churned the brains of Indian public.
The fount from which Paramhans attained energy was the 2 images of Mahakali. Yogini Bhairavi taught him secret occult sciences for 6 years. She made him execute extraordinary penance and thus emerged that potential which helped fulfill Mahakal’s mission. The 2nd image is his wife Sharda who with the serenity of her soul nurtured the psyche of Paramhans who was thought to be divinely mad. Both knew each other from past lifetimes. When the 4 year old girl Sharada saw Paramhans sing sacred songs she told her mother: This saint will be my husband. None paid heed to what she said at that time. Ramkrishna then turned into a youth. When talks of his marriage were going on he told his relatives: Do not waste your time; instead look out for my wife in Jairam Bati village. Go there and you will find my bride in Ramchand Mukherjee’s house. From the worldly social standpoint it is inapt that a 6 year old girl marries a 25 year old youth but the marriage took place in a very natural manner. In order to sire children, there is need of the age of husband and wife being similar yet in this case the marriage was meant only for soul uplifting and that it was closeness based on the proximity of the soul. Hence age of the couple was not of any consequence. Despite there being an age difference of 20 years they were true soul mates for their entire life. The girl Sharada and the elderly Paramhans lived for a long time in one hut. Their soul union was so blissful that not for a moment lust entered their minds. The gush of vital force calms down in the Rayi element that pervades the subtle world. Sharada came like a Goddess of Peace and by ceaselessly pouring divine affection on tha Great vital force Mahakal rendered his potential extraordinary. No doubt people mocked him saying: The sage has married and is living with his wife. But Paramhans ignored all this vain talk. He would say: This is Sharada, she is Goddess Saraswati. She has come to give wisdom. She is my divine energy.
When Vivekananda reached America for spreading divine culture Mrs. George, W. Hale and England’s Miss Noble helped a lot in his divine mission. Ultimately she became Vivekananda’s disciple, imbibed Hindu ideology and was christened Sister Nivedita. She surrendered her life span for Vivekananda’s mission and after coming to India lived as a mendicant to work for Indian culture. She also looked after Swami Vivekananda.
Mahakal’s second partial incarnation was in the form of Shri Aurobindo. For rejuvenating India’s culture he commenced a violent revolution but very soon he realized that for this great task soul force and not weapons were needed. Not only for himself but in order to awaken soul power in the entire world, performed penance in solitude in Pondicherry (India). A desirable effect was seen as a result. In summer when the air becomes hot cyclones erupt and it carries with it leaves, dirt etc on the ground high up in the sky. In the same way his austerities heated the subtle atmosphere and as a result ordinary people started manifesting rare leadership qualities. Even in laymen the sentiment of renunciation and sacrifice emerged and they manifested it in a big way.
In Aurobindo’s era so many era creators were born like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal madden mobile hack cydia Nehru, Chitaranjandas, Lala Lajpatrai, Sardar Patel, Rajendra Prasad etc. Annie Besant was an Irish woman but she played a dynamic role in attaining India’s political freedom. She spent her entire life in rejuvenating India. There was no dearth of great women like Sarojini Naidu who awakened people of India. Like the non violence movement India’s violent revolution too was great. Every child knows people like Virendrakumar, Rasbihari check here Bose, Shachindranath Sanyal, Chandrashekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh etc. Shri Durgadevi nurtured India’s revolutionary movement with love and a powerful personality which is incomparable.
In order to understand Aurobindo’s great penance and mission France’s well known philosopher Paul Richard went to Pondicherry. He understood the importance of the mission and hence respectfully left his wife to serve this lone saint. This was an incomparable sacrifice on the part of Paul Richard. The very dutiful wife instead of leading a life based on physical union with her husband accepted the command to serve that Rishi like saint for world welfare and hence she started dwelling in Pondicherry. This great lady called Divine Mother looked after all mundane and mental needs of Shri Aurobindo and made sure that his terrific austerities remained unobstructed. Not only this, she gave up her all to serve Aurobindo Ashram and render the mission powerful. This then is a divine glimpse of the coexistence of Mahakal and Mahakali.
The faith and trust between Mahakal and Mahakali can be called a pair in the sensitive arena. Their terrific ireful form can be seen as agitation and revolution. Within the realm of sacrifice and service this very pair renders individuals great. In talented people they can be seen as discrimination and steadfastness. As character and affection they can be seen as civilized people. As valor and activity they represent world humanity. The main aim of this couple is to replace bad behavior with a wholesome one and imbalance with balance. Time and again, in order to fulfill this goal, this couple imbibes varied activities via their incarnations. Contemporary situations inspire them to carry out certain immediate functions. Hence although the goal of all their actions is to uplift saintly people and ward off vile people yet their functioning is varied.
No one is a messenger of God from birth itself. On some special occasion Mahakal and Mahakal make an individual their vehicle and via his/her body subtle powers carry out divine tasks. The activity of invisible powers can manifest only via visible instruments. Hence whenever they notice an apt personality they choose it. The preliminary life of Valmiki, Angulimal, Ambpali, Surdas etc was lowly. But when that Super Power entered them without delay their previous roles changed. Generally this is what happens. Many times ordinary people give up their old beliefs, aspirations and activities like a snake shedding its old skin and without paying heed to mocking and censure of so called near dear ones daringly take up the task of neo creation and era transformation. At that time know for sure that Mahakal and Mahakali’s grace is pouring on them. While landing on earth from heaven Goddess Sursara chose Lord Shiva’s matted locks as her vehicle. Time and again so many men-women fulfill the goal of these matted locks.
In the near future souls like Saptarishis, their wives, Shivi, Dadhichi, Harishchandra, Prahlad, Dhruv, angad, Hanuman, Bharat, Lakshman, Bhishma, dronacharya, Arjun, Bhima, Karna, Buddha, Mahavir, Gandhi, Dayanand etc will incarnate. Goddesses like Gargi, Maitreyi, Bharti, Kunti, draupadi, savitri, Anasuya, Mira, Lashmibai etc too will incarnate. With their cooperation the great mission of Mahakal and Mahakali will be realized.
The next 10 years are very dire and chaotic. Many types of strife will have to be faced by world humanity so that all will learn a lesson that a life full of wiliness, sense merriment, selfishness and vileness will not benefit anybody. These facts will be taught not via speeches but via bitter experiences. Thus nature makes arrangements for bitter lessons and harsh punishment for those who insist on behaving tainted. Such punishment will be meted out in the near future. Along with this that education and creative movement will be set rolling on the basis of which when the apt hour arrives required transformations will naturally take place.
Even at present Mahakal’s activities are going on appropriately. Today powers like Ramkrishna Paramhans and Yogi Aurobindo no longer exist. But their austerity energies will enter other bodies and fulfill the divine mission. Mahakali is helping her 9 Durga aides to incarnate. But it is not possible for contemporary people to recognize them. Today they will be looked upon as ordinary humans and like other divine messengers will be harassed and insulted. The foundation of era transformation is strengthening from within. Mahakal’s aspiration can never go unheeded. Mahakali is immersed in rendering creative and agitating task more intense. Within many radiant souls upheavals are taking place and by giving up lowly narrow mindedness daringly many men/women in order to fulfill Mahakali’s desire are imbibing her light. They will definitely march forward and will fulfill the historical task of neo creation.