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How To Play Spades

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

If you’re hoping to learn new party games, then check out the excellent Ultimate Games Guide for rules and tips for dozens of party, team, and other games!

Spades is a contract bidding card game, very similar to other games such as Hearts or Rook. The ultimate object of Spades is for one team to reach a certain number of points first, usually 500 or 1,000 for casual play. Points are earned by accurately estimating how many tricks (or books) the team will win during each round of play. Failure to make the number of books results in a penalty, while overestimating the books will prevent players from making maximum scores.

As in other contract bidding games, there is a trump suit which ranks higher than all other suits. In the case of Spades, the trump suit is indeed spades. The rest of the suits rank below spades, except during rounds where all players must play cards in another suit. For example, the ace of clubs would be the highest ranking club to be played, so it would win the book if not trumped or ‘cut’ by a spade. Players cannot use trump cards unless they have absolutely no other cards in that suit. If a player is found with a different suit card after cutting with a spade, another player can call him for a foul called ‘reneging’.

Learning the basic card play in Spades is not especially difficult, but understanding how to count possible winning books can take much practice. covet fashion hack cheats tool Here is a crash course on playing the basic game of Spades.

A typical game of Spades begins with four players partnered across the table. In essence, North and South are partners and East and West are partners. One player is designated the dealer, a position which rotates clockwise after each round is played. The dealer passes out all of the cards in a standard deck, which means each player receives 13 cards facedown before each round. Players usually arrange their hands according to suit and number for easier counting and playing later. At this point, each player estimates how many of his own cards are high enough to win a hand.

Once each player has had sufficient time to count and sort his or her hand, the teams have a short discussion to announce the number of potential winning books they could take in a round. One team might estimate 6 books, based on hands saturated with high suit cards and spades. The other team might estimate 4 books or less, based on a number of low suit cards and few spades. These numbers are recorded before the round starts.

In the most common version of Spades, the player holding the two of clubs begins the round. He or she places the card in the center of the table and the player to his left plays another card in that suit. If that player has an ace or king of clubs, it may be enough to win that book. love this game website If not, the next player may throw out an even higher club or essentially discard a low club. The fourth player in a round can be the one who determines a winner. The player with the highest card wins the book.

The winner of the first hand can now begin the second round by throwing off any card but a spade. Some players with high cards in nontrump suits will use this opportunity to earn books before anyone else can legally trump them with spades. There is always the possibility that at least one player will run out of a particular suit within two or three rounds, so a seemingly high suit card may actually prove to be worthless if an opponent can trump it early.

The winner of the second hand starts off the third hand and so on until all of the cards have been played. Each team counts the number of actual tricks taken during the round and compares that number to the original estimate. If the estimate was 4 books, for example, and the team actually took 6 books, their total score would be 42 for that round forty points for the successful bid and 2 points for the overage. Had that same team bid 6 tricks originally and captured 6 tricks in the game, their score would have been 60. This is why estimating the number of tricks accurately is so important in Spades.

After all of the points from one round have been tallied, the player to the left becomes the new dealer and the game starts all over again. Both teams estimate the number of books they could take and play out their hands accordingly. If a team fails to make their minimal bid, their points are actually subtracted. This is called being ‘set’. Extra points can be earned by playing ‘blind’, which means estimating the number of books without even looking at the cards first. Teams that successfully reach their totals while playing blind are given additional points. This is a tactic generally used by teams who have fallen behind significantly and need a boost in points quickly.

There is also a major point bonus for any team that can declare a 10 book win and succeeds. This is called a “ten for two” bid, which means the winning team could earn two hundred additional points if they manage to capture at least 10 books. Winning a ten for two bid requires skillful playing and two hands containing all high suit cards and higher spades. As a defensive maneuver, the opposite team can declare a ‘Nil’ bid, which means they cannot take a single book. If they accomplish this feat, they can earn 100 additional points as well.

As the points of each round are added together for a running total, the first team to reach 500 or 1,000 points is declared the winner. A typical spades game can last 45 minutes to an hour, which makes it a great way to pass the time away with friends and family. More experienced game of war fire age cheats hack tool players learn how to communicate their strategies to their partners and increase the number of winnable books. Spades is also a popular game to play electronically, so those seeking to learn winning strategies can find online games geared to their skill level or invest in computerized card playing programs.

Isolation: How To Get Stronger

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Leg extensions, Leg curls, Calf raises, Leg press, Lat pull-down, Bicep curls, Tricep extensions . . . who in their right mind would continue to do these ridiculous exercises? It’s true, isolation bashing has hit an all time high in the fitness world – to the point where it is almost laughable. It comes as no surprise to me though. The industry has been guilty of taking a concept and not just applying it, but utterly abusing it while taking it completely out of context. Sure, many trainers love to talk about how useless isolation movements are; but guess what? Most of the top powerlifters, strongmen and bodybuilders in the world still use them in their routines on a regular basis! It’s time to set the record straight about these verbally abused exercises.
Now that I have your attention let’s discuss why isolation has been bashed in the first more details place and why top strength athletes continue to utilize them within their program. First off, isolation of any single muscle group is physiologically impossible. This is not news to most strength athletes, but what might be news is that strength training can accurately be described as a practice of creating tension throughout the body.So the idea of teaching anything but that, creating total tension, when it comes to pure strength training is utter inefficiency. When we tell a trainee to “focus on pumping the biceps” during a bicep curl; well that is just ridiculous if we are trying to teach strength. However, if we tell the trainee to grip the barbell like you mean it, stick your chest out, squeeze your glutes, push down your diaphragm, lock your knees, contract the quads, brace the abs and curl the bar with bad intentions . . . well then there is a different effect in the body. The practice is now on increasing tension within the body and not on passively pumping the muscle. These principles are described very well in Pavel Tsatsouline’s book Beyond Bodybuilding. It should come as no surprise that, Pavel is also one of the guys who unmercifully bashes isolation movements; however, I don’t believe that it is because he sees them as “useless” but rather the way people approach them as being useless. In this case I couldn’t agree more with Pavel and many others who share that exact point of view.
Creating tension throughout the lifts is not second nature to “Joe athlete” in the gym and certainly not to the “40 something house wife of 3 who needs to drop some inches.” That is not to say that we need to hand the 40 something house wife a barbell and inundate her with these instructions until she physically and mentally passes out on her first trip to the gym! Instead, introduce one instruction every other week or so. For example: tell her when she curls the bar to think about gripping it really share this website tight. Two or three weeks later give the instruction to continue to grip the bar and now brace the abs tight etc. etc. Depending on how strong the individual is will dictate how quickly you can introduce these concepts.
Now I know what you are thinking “So Eddie, are you saying we should focus on isolation movements with the idea of teaching ourselves to increase tension in our bodies?” Well that is only part of what I am saying. The much more important part is the fact that ALL of the top lifters include these isolation movements within their program almost always AFTER lifting something really heavy or lifting a bar with tremendous speed. In this case the isolation component is primarily to focus on a muscle group that is lagging behind. For example: if you can’t lock out your bench press, then it is time to get to work with some tricep hypertrophy and isolation for this purpose is just fine! If you have trouble getting down into the squat, it is probably because your hamstrings are too weak so get to work on the leg curl or better yet the GHR if you are man enough.
Therefore, the practice of tension is developed within the template by lifting really heavy weight, then isolation movements are put in as supplementary lifts for the purpose of hypertrophy for YOUR lagging muscle groups. However, you had better believe that these movements are done with the principles of body tensions in mind. If you watch a top strength athlete do tricep extensions for their supplementary work, you will see BOTH the concentric and eccentric motions . . . and if you look hard enough you might see their finger indentations on the bar when they are done with the set. That doesn’t mean they are training to failure either! It means they are creating a lot of tension through the whole body as they perform the movements.If you are a trainer and want to teach your client how more information to create tension in the body – well guess what? Doing basic isolation movements with the idea of teaching total body tension is a great way to get the point across. The client will quickly learn for themselves it is really hard to do! Then let them know that in order to squat, deadlift, bench press, etc. etc. they need to learn how to create this tension in their bodies and make it second nature; and yes, I believe everyone who walks into a gym should learn how to squat, deadlift and bench press correctly (eventually) – including the 40 something house wife. But that is a different topic for another article.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to include isolation movements within your routines; however, I can’t think of too many reasons to do isolation movements for the sake of isolating a muscle. Practice tension even in your supplementary lifts and you will continue to get even stronger. Don’t neglect those isolation movements otherwise you will find the guys who practice those lifts regularly (for the purposes outlined in their templates) will blow right past you in both strength and muscular development. This includes the body builders. Think about it, if a body builder can practice creating more tension in their “isolation lifts” that means they can eventually handle more weight which means even more growth . . . and who doesn’t want that?

Eddie Disla

How to Prepare for Yoga Teacher Training Program in India?

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

When you are planning to spend about a month or two in the tropical weather conditions or icy cold months of the Indian subcontinent, it is ideal to prepare a list as to what to pack for the yoga teacher training program in India. The climate be a cry baby and take the best of you, so firstly and most importantly, we would suggest you to check with the yoga school in India about the temperature and if any other extras stuff you would need through the intensive yoga teacher training in India. Apart from this, if you have any other personal preferences or stuff you cannot do without, we suggest briniging it with you rather than expecting it to find it near the yoga school in India.
Here is a list (in no particular order) of the stuff a westerner would need to carry with him/her to make the most of the period in the eastern world:
Ear plugs:
India is a place where a festival, an event or a marriage is taking place somewhere or the other. The land of festivity, where everything needs to be celebrated, it is can be a tad bit difficult to find your space. If you are in an ashram for yoga teacher training in India, you could still have stray dogs partying at night and taking away a good night’s sleep.
Mosquito Net and Repellant:
Mostly the schools have the net part covered, but you do not want to csr racing 2 hack cheats hack be exposed to mosquitoes while you are here. It is best to have a net handy and you would be using it more than you thought you would. This point is especially helpful for the sweet-blooded beings. And the repellants while you are on the go or in a posture, you will thank yourself for taking the decision of carrying a repellant.
The intensive yoga teacher training course in India will leave little or no time in your space to go out. Usually you will step out in the evening and head back after dark and sometimes late in the night. A headlamp will be your guide through the small streets and by lanes in India. Also, if you plan on trekking or heading to a camp, well, headlamps would be required.
Sleeping bag:
Ashrams, motels, guesthouses, throughout your tour in India and other South East Asian countries, you would need a sleeping bag especially if you are bug sensitive. The yoga schools in India might have higher standards, but the ashrams and guesthouses might not. It is suggested to sleep in a place where you will mentally feel clean.
Adapters and Converters:
A plug adapter is a basic necessity in India for the westerners due to the difference in socket shapes. The plug adapters can be found in India too, but you might need a good one with surcharge protection to avoid any sparks from your device. Also, heavier voltage items might call for voltage adapters, check the product manual for further details.
Water Purifiers:
Although Bisleris and filtered water is available everywhere, still to kill the doubt away, you can keep the water purifiers on you. It kills up to 99.999% germs and viruses and allows you to drink from any tap or filter.
Swiss Knife:
This is yet another very handy item to keep on you whether you are going for a yoga teacher training in India or a trek to a Volcano. The knife, scissor, game of war fire age cheats hack tool bottle opener etc. are all required items in one kit.
There could be other items, depending on place and personal choice. Make a list and stick to it when you pack.

How to Please Customers by Giving Them a Pleasant Experience

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Certain things are inherently important when it comes to keeping customers happy. Memorable products, good customer service and a clean environment are all things that will keep customers coming back. However, if you really want to wow the people that walk through your door, and ensure that they do it again and again, it’s best to consider some of the finer points of your services. For example, nearly every restaurant provides to go containers to their customers. This is just part of running a business that provides food, and something that most people assume will be available when they go to a restaurant.
However, sometimes simply providing a solution to fit a need isn’t enough. For example, if your idea of to go containers consists of a roll of aluminum foil and a stack of paper bags, you’re likely going to lose customers. People like to feel as though you’re reading their minds. They want to walk into a business and be presented with everything just the way they like it. They want options. They want to feel taken care of.
One aspect of a business that is often overlooked is the restroom. You may not have considered how a customer’s experience in your lavatory affects their overall opinion of the visit. Unfortunately, simply providing a restroom isn’t enough, and this is where the disconnect occurs. People want to feel pampered when they step into the restroom of a business. They want fancy soap, pretty flower arrangements and attractive décor. They also want options when it comes to hand-drying. As silly as this sounds, it’s true. The die-hard environmentalists want to see hand dryers, which reduces paper waste. However, there are others that prefer paper toweling, and these people have a whole different set psn codes hack of love this game website reasons why paper is king when it comes to hand-drying.
So, how do you choose between two very valid sets of beliefs? The worst mistake is to choose just one. Although it’s certainly a cheaper option, it also leaves a large portion of your customers with an option that is not acceptable to them. In truth, each option has its own list of benefits which warrants having both a hand dryer and paper towels in your bathroom. You can do things to improve each of these options as well. For example, be sure to buy paper towels with a high content of recycled materials. You can find Georgia Pacific paper towels that are made from 100% recycled content. That is a paper towel you can feel good about, even the environmentalists can’t deny that.
One of the biggest complaints, of both environmentally concerned patrons and of business owners, is that paper toweling is wasteful. One of the ways you can combat this problem is to dole out toweling to each individual customer. Generally speaking, this is done with an automatic paper towel dispenser such as the Georgia Pacific EnMotion. Since these machines automatically cut and dispense the toweling to the customers, less paper is wasted. Additionally, since they are touch-free, there is less chance of cross-contamination. Like regular paper towels, you can find enMotion paper towels that contain a high content of recycled materials. Even those who prefer dryers can’t deny that the EnMotion is a good option when compared to traditional paper towels.
While these issues may seem trivial, it’s worth the effort to think about your customer’s needs and preferences. Providing adequate to go containers and stocking your restroom with both enMotion game of war fire age cheats hack tool paper towels and hand dryers are two things that go a long way towards making your customers feel like you care about their experience in your establishment.

Dell Xps M2010 Review

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

The Dell XPS M2010 is Dell鎶?most effective and most completely featured laptop computer computer. while males and ladies argue whether or not or not it genuinely qualifies like a notebook, in my opinion, it types a brand determine new type of individual personal computer that could most effective be described like a transportable (notebooks within of the 19-20 inch type factor).

The layout is sublime: the display moves lithely greater compared to bottom product and tilts to any subway surfers cheats money useful location on two sturdy arms. Then there’s the slot-loading digital video disc writer within of the centre, which whirrs up owning a pleasing actions and sound. The full-sized desktop keyboard complete with touchpad detaches smoothly and seamlessly switches greater than to Bluetooth, earlier to recharging after slotted back again in.
Then there’s the Premium Remote Control. Not just content articles using the regular house windows mass media center features, there’s a motion-sensitive Gyration sensor, which means you can proceed the computer mouse pointer by twisting and tilting the remote. Its computer mouse buttons will also get you by method of something the regular navigation buttons can’t handle. But it’s the tiny fluid crystal display display that helps make the remote so special: browse your audio tracks choice by method of the iPod-like menu system, after which arranged it playing.
The M2010 may nicely possess a battery and lots of cell components, but it’s even an amazing offer more of the break within of the norm than Acer’s substantial AS9802WKMi. for just about any start, it weighs 8.4kg and, even although there’s a comfortable, chunky rubber-coated handle, arm-ache will arranged in swiftly if you’re carrying it around. When packed up, madden mobile hack android the product is bigger than a common briefcase, as well as the rear ports and vents are also exposed. The lid and principal whole body are unbelievably sturdy, though, while the 4 clasps preserve the keyboard and lid firmly in place. You’ll even obtain a few several hours out within of the battery.

The M2010 is equally amazing and unique. There’s a an amazing offer an subway surfers cheats may 2015 amazing offer more compelling situation for getting this method as opposed to some conventional desktop-replacement notebook, using the ergonomics striking especially the most perfect balance. With extras for example the terrific Premium Remote Control, the method oozes class, although it arrives at a worth – especially contemplating the stingy one-year warranty. However, like all Dell systems, you can adjust the specifications to fit your budget: the bottom specification costs a an amazing offer more affordable ?,650, for example. If space is recognized like a little cramped and you also choose a jaw-dropping method with out sacrificing any performance, the M2010 is it. Use E-Value code PPUK5-N08205R to acquire this specification.

Accubraille Alpina To Expand Carton Markets For Medica

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

A new Bobst Alpina II line, the first in the UK to include an AccuBraille Braille embossing unit, is allowing Medica Packaging to unleash its latent capacity.

鎻宎ving invested in additional print capacity in the form of a Komori S40 last year, we were in a position to release the latent capacity of Medica,?says Mark Kerridge, Managing Director of Benson Group, subway surfers cheats the fast growing independent which purchased the pharmaceutical packaging plant in 2005. 鎻焗e Alpina II line, with the AccuBraille system, is a key part of our strategy for the plant to meet its targets for growth.?br />
2010 sees the deadline for all pharmaceutical packaging destined for use within the European Union to include information embossed in Braille, and Mr Kerridge believes that AccuBraille represents a quick and easy route to both compliance and customer satisfaction. 鎻til now we have embossed Braille using the conventional route, by that I mean using a diecutter with multiple dies to apply the Braille either during diecutting or as a separate run. The AccuBraille unit means we can shorten the time it takes to get cartons to our customers, and make it easier to maintain the quality of our Braille embossing, because we cut out the, often difficult, embossing makeready on the diecutter.?br />
The launch of Bobst鎶?AccuBraille unit coincided nicely with Medica鎶?need for an additional folder-gluer says Mr Kerridge. When Benson Group purchased the company, he and his team made plans for a new printing press at the plant and asked Bobst Group (UK & Ireland) Ltd, to carry out an analysis of its folder-gluer department with this investment in mind. The analysis looked at Medica鎶?existing folder-gluers, its glue and QA systems, and its peripherals, along with its internal processes and work mix. Having completed the analysis, the Bobst Group team determined that the plant needed a flexible, high-speed folder-gluer, capable of producing both straight-line and crashlock cartons, and that also needed some type of packer. The recommendation was a Bobst Alpina II line.

Nothing like it

鎻焗e launch of Bobst鎶?AccuBraille, which no other supplier could offer, was the icing on the cake,?recalls Mr Kerridge. 鎻憈 became even more obvious that an Alpina II line, with AccuBraille, and HandyPack GT packer, would be the ideal purchase for Medica.?br />
Benson Group were already familiar with the Alpina II from their Benson Box plant in Bardon, Leicestershire, their Integrated Packaging plant in Gateshead and their PDG plant in Newcastle. The Alpina II is the mainstay of gluing work at these sites and is considered a high quality asset, so when a team from Medica attended the launch of AccuBraille at an Open House event in Lausanne, Switzerland, last spring, they knew what to expect of the gluer, if not the Braille system. Now installed and commissioned, Medica has started to market the AccuBraille process to its customers.

鎻焗ere has been a lot of interest from them,?explains Peter Brassington, General Manager of Medica Packaging. 鎻 are certainly leading the way with this innovative and cost effective solution, and we are actively working through change procedures with our key customers to bring it on stream for their products.?br />
Perhaps not surprisingly, given Medica鎶?history as a specialist pharmaceutical and healthcare packaging supplier and its estimated 10% market share of that market in the UK, the company has a

long established understanding of Braille. Mark Hassall, one of the company鎶?Technical Services Managers, sits on the UK Braille forum which brings together packaging suppliers, their customers, and Braille readers, to ensure that the Braille being added to pharmaceutical cartons meets the needs of end users with regard to its technical specification, especially in the run up to 2010.

The AccuBraille unit at Medica, which can also be fitted onto Bobst Masterfold, Visionfold, Alpina II or Mistral lines, resolves a number of well known difficulties in Braille embossing using a diecutter. These include the difficulty of setting and maintaining good Braille dot embossing on a diecutter, the diecutter鎶?restriction on embossing no closer than 5mm to a cut or crease line, and the problems created in the folder-gluer feeder by blanks with Braille embossed on a diecutter.

Lee Alton, Bobst鎶?Product Manager for folder-gluers in the UK and Ireland, maintains that AccuBraille has been a revolution in applying Braille embossing to cartons. 鎻th AccuBraille on your line, makeready is very quick compared to a 鎱竔ecut & emboss?make-ready, or to the two makereadies needed if you are going to carry out the embossing as a separate run. On top of this, the rotary process is low impact, so tools last much longer, and the lower AccuBraille tools is universal, which reduces external toolmaker costs. The other advantage is that only one male embossing tool is required per job, instead of one per station, which cuts tooling costs even further. Although, if you want to shave a little extra off of the already quick makeready time, you can use an extra 鎲乤le?tool carrier and use it to make the next job ready 鎲僨f machine?while the previous job is still running.?br />
The AccuBraille module is, in essence, a highly controlled rotary embossing unit placed between the blank aligner of the folder-gluer and the pre-breaker. The male die, made up of two lines of Marburg Medium Braille text and bespoke for each drug/dosage combination, rotates in perfect synchronization with the arrival of the carton, while a 鎲塶iversal?female die provides the counter for the male.


At Medica the unit is installed in their new Bobst Alpina II 110, which is an A2 version of the model, capable of folding and gluing straight-line and crashlock cartons at 500 meters per minute. Cartons can be up to 1100mm x 800mm in size, or as small as 76mm x 60mm (or 35mm folded).

Mr Alton says that the Alpina II delivers outstanding productivity because it provides hour after hour of consistently high-quality folding and gluing, whatever the material, size and style of the product. 鎻噀spite this power and versatility, make-ready times are short, partly because 98% of the equipment stays on the machine all the time, so there is no need to be constantly assembling and disassembling rails, guides and carriers. It also has an integral blank aligning module, the AccuFold, which ensures perfect carton entry to the folding and gluing process, and cuts down on waste both during makeready and on the run.?br />
With this new, more powerful technology in place Medica have already seen an improvement in both running speeds and the time needed to make ready a number of their more difficult jobs.

Like most Bobst gluers, the Alpina II鎶?CUBE control system can easily be interfaced with all major quality control systems, such as the Leary system added to the machine at Medica. This can control Bobst鎶?unique 鎱簂ipper-ejector? which allows the removal of individual non-conforming cartons from the carton stream without slowing the machine or interrupting production. This is the first Leary system to be installed on a folder-gluer at Medica, although there are several Leary systems in other parts of the Benson Group.

The HandyPack GT packer at the end of the new line is one of many installed in the UK in the last year and allows for quick and easy hand packing of cartons. When not required on the Alpina for packing, the HandyPack GT can be used as an extended delivery, aiding productivity, or can be moved onto other machines.

Substantial investment

Medica Packaging traces its history back to the 1920’s and, famously, became part of a large pharmaceutical group, the Wellcome Foundation in 1966, although it did remain an autonomous business unit. In the late 1980’s, under the ownership of GlaxoSmithKline, Medica began a process of specialisation, moving into the production of packaging materials exclusively for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. In 1993 the business was taken into private ownership through a management buy-out, and began to include patient information leaflets in its portfolio as part of a strategy to offer more to its pharmaceutical clients. Medica鎶?acquisition by Benson Group in 2005 has given the company access to the investment it needed to continue to grow organically and to allow for further product extensions.

This investment has amounted to ?m so far, which has included 28,000 square feet of production space, the Alpina II line and the new Komori press, amongst other items. The Komori, a six-colour Lithrone S40, has already generated a production increase of 30%. 鎻 looked for the press with the shortest makeready speeds and the Komori is the best on the market,?explains Mr Brassington. 鎻焗e LS40 has drastically reduced changeover times with its pre-set functions, wash ups and top running speed of 16,000 sheets per hour. Our main requirement was compatibility and a highly competitive, commercially viable, machine. We considered three major manufacturers but made the decision to order a fourth Lithrone based not only on the fact that our minders are familiar with the machines, but also that Komori offers excellent service levels, good value and a commercial price. Komori is one of the strongest players in the market today.?br />
The new Komori printer and Bobst folder-gluer reflect the Benson Group philosophy share our website of constantly implementing new technology to offer its customers new share our website and improved services, open up new markets and improve productivity. The group plans to widen its current market with an increase in exports, to follow the business of the many UK companies that are moving production facilities to continental Europe. Alongside this, increased costs for its raw materials have led Medica to look at ways of becoming even more efficient and flexible in adding value to their production processes. To this end the plant has purchased a machine for applying security labels, and a pick and place system for inserting plastic windows, as well as investing in new pre-press equipment, and the latest environmentally focused fleet of distribution vehicles.

The modular design of the Bobst Alpina II at Medica, which is what allows the easy integration of the AccuBraille unit, also means that adding further functionality at a later date is easy, something that is important to the Benson Group team. 鎻檜r investment strategy is geared around constantly adapting to the market,?says Mr Kerridge. 鎻焗e way equipment like the Bobst Alpina II is designed means that we can react quickly and effectively as our customers?needs change.?br />
Paul Tye

This article originally appeared in the leading industry journal 鎻妎lding Carton Industry?

Fat Penis Pride – Owning One鎶?Chode

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

There’s an enormous emphasis placed on having a sculpted body by society, but in one area at least a bit of extra heft is welcome ?that鎶?the penis. A penis with a certain girth is often prized by many partners, but when it comes to an actual chode, there seems to be less value attached to the organ. Naturally, penis health is generally of greater importance in the long run than size, but the question of how much girth is acceptable on a fat penis is still one worth examining.

What is a chode?
Many people may not be familiar with the word chode (sometimes spelled choad), a slang term applied to certain phalluses. In strict terms, the word refers to any penis this website that has a greater circumference than length.

So, for example, a man with a tool that measures six inches in length and five-and-a-half in girth is simply packing a fat penis. A man with a tool of the same length but a girth of the sims freeplay hack cheats six-and-a-half inches is in possession of a genuine chode.

Do they really exist?
There is some debate as to whether chodes really exist or whether the term has simply been applied to penises that are of an exceptional thickness yet are not actually thicker than they are long. While there does not seem to be reliable data on the subject, it seems fair to guess that actual chodes do exist, especially when the member in question is on the shorter side, but that they are quite rare.

But while actual chodes may be rare, a fat penis is much more common. When that thickness is married to a long tool, many partners swoon. When part of a rather short tool, however, it may have an appearance that makes a man feel self-conscious or embarrassed.

Own it.
In fact, there’s no reason for a man with a fat penis to regret its thickness. While the typical image of a stud involves a man with a very long rod, the fact is that many women achieve greater stimulation from thicker members. A 2001 study of 50 women actually found that 45 of them preferred a manhood that was thick rather than long.

The reasoning behind this is that the wider the equipment, the greater the amount of vaginal stimulation it can easily provide. In addition, researchers think that the thicker tool provides a “fuller” feeling to the woman when inserted, which in turn creates a more psychologically satisfying experience during sexual contact.

In other words, that fat penis may in fact provide a sexual joyride that offers greater excitement than that provided by its “slim Jim” counterpart. Chubbiness may not be desired around a man’s abdomen, but in the penis department, it can be a definite asset ?and those with girthier tools need to take proud ownership of this fact.

Lubrication is important.
That said, those with chode-like appendages are well advised to make sure they use plenty of lubricant and to engage in a sufficient amount of foreplay before penetrating. The massive manliness can require extra help in being properly inserted. But once in, the way is clear to providing great delight.

The tightness that men with a fat penis experience during penetration, even when lubricated, can result in some soreness or even rawness of the tool. That’s why regularly using a top-drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is necessary. The best creams include wonderful hydrating ingredients (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) that can help soothe even the sorest chode. In addition, if the cream also contains a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, it will help to diminish the dreaded wrinkled penis look that can come from many sources, including rough handling from lack of sufficient lubrication. Using the proper cream will enable a fat penis to stay healthy for maximum fun.

Acidic Foods – 5 Acidic Foods To Avoid

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

Eating healthy in this day and age can indeed be quite difficult with all of the temptation that is out there today, but it is having the determination and the will-power to stick to it that will see you through. As mentioned in the title of this article, there are five types of acidic foods to stay away from, each of which will be discussed as followed.
We will be covering each of these types: dairy, meat and poultry, processed and frozen foods, refined sugar and products made with refined sugars and beverages. This article provides the latest information on 5 highly acidifying foods:
Acidic Food # 1: Dairy Products
The different types of acidic dairy foods include butter, cheese, cream, custards, eggs and yogurt.
Dairy foods are filled with hormones, pesticide residues, microforms, mycotoxins, and saturated fats. Layer on top of all those goodies milk sugar (lactose) that breaks down like any sugar and feeds harmful microforms.
Cheese and yogurt are made by fermentation. And dairy is the leader of all foods in forming sticky mucus. It is highly acid-forming. Furthermore, pasteurization destroys the beneficial enzymes milk starts out with.
Acidic Foods # 2: Meat and Poultry Products
Of this category, there is meat, chicken, beef, shellfish, goat, lamb, pork, rabbit meat and turkey.
Meat and poultry and their by-products are highly acidic foods. The animals feed on stored grain and pass along all the associated problems in their meat.
There is a strong correlation between animal protein and several kinds of cancer, particularly breast, thyroid, prostate, pancreatic, endometrial, ovarian, stomach, and colon cancers.
Studies show that people who get 70 percent of their protein from animal products have major health difficulties compared to those who get just 5 perfect of their protein that way. Besides, animal foods are simply dead.
Acidic Foods # 3: Refined, Processed and Frozen Food Products
Which is pretty much anything that is frozen, like frozen peas, carrots, broccoli and also the frozen mixed vegetables, not to mention take out meals or frozen meals. But it also includes many foods you may not have considered, such as canned soup, chips, cookies, doughnuts and just about anything you can get at fat food restaurants. Refined, processed and frozen foods are loaded with sugar, salt, artificial coloring and flavoring, additives, preservatives, and butter, margarine, or hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated (hardened) vegetable oil – and deficient in fiber. All these types of foods are acidifying.
Acidic Food # 4: Refined Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners
Majority of people in the US is getting more than the 149 pounds of sugar a year. Did you know that you body needs only two teaspoons of blood sugar at any tie in order to function properly? This amount can be easily obtained through the digestion of unrefined carbohydrates, protein and fats.
Refined sugar, as tempting as it may be in all those cakes, candies, and cups of coffee, is, subway surfers hack online in fact, more of a pharmaceutical drug than it is a nurturing food. The minerals needed to digest sugar – chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium – have been striped from the sugar during the refining process. This, in turn, forces that body to deplete its own mineral reserves to process the sugar.
Acidic Food # 5: Beverages
Alcohol, coffee, black tea, sodas and concentrated juices all have a negative effect on your body’s pH level.
All these products produce a lot of acid and a lot of mucus.
All of these acidic foods can affect the pH balance in your body in a very negative way. A healthy human body is slightly alkaline measuring 7.4 approximately. This ideal blood measurement means that it is slightly more alkaline than acid.
Many people wonder why they lack energy and feel so sluggish all the time. We wonder why we can not seem to lose the weight that we want to and why some of us have poor digestion. When our pH level is out of whack our bodies reflect it like this.
The human share our website body has to have a balanced pH gta 5 hack tool online like any other living thing or it does not function properly. The alkaline level is important because as research has already proven, diseases can’t survive in an alkaline state. But they will live in an acidic environment.
An acidic environment will decrease your body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients. It decreases your body’s energy production and limit it’s ability to repair damaged cells. It’s ability to detoxify heavy metals will be limited also. It will also make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness.

Bitter Orange: An Alternative to DMAA

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

On April 27, 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning letter to 10 fitness supplement companies selling weight loss and sports nutrition products containing the controversial ingredient, DMAA. The FDA further warned that DMAA was not a botanical ingredient since it is synthetically produced and therefore ineligible to be used as an active ingredient in a dietary supplement. Citing several harmful effects of DMAA, the FDA ordered said companies to immediately take remedial steps to address these concerns.1
What are the Side Effects of DMAA?
DMAA, commonly sold as 1,3- dimethylamylamine, methylhexanamine, or geranium extract, is a synthetic substance popularly used in bodybuilding and weight-loss products. DMAA is said to have potentially fatal side effects on cardiovascular health leading to events such as shortness of breath, tightening of chest, heart attacks and elevated blood pressure. After 42 public complaints, the FDA issued a warning linking DMAA to serious health effects on the nervous system and psychiatric disorders as well as death.2
The controversy: Is DMAA a Drug?
The best electric kettle review controversy over DMAA doesn’t end here. Is DMAA a botanical substance or synthetic? Since DMAA is manufactured in laboratories, many experts believe it is not a botanical substance, but an amphetamine-like substance which should be treated as a drug. It should undergo rigorous testing standards and be approved by the FDA as a drug. In light of these heated controversies, supplement business owners are busy looking for safer substitutes for DMAA in their weight-loss and sport nutrition formulations. One option is to substitute DMAA with the herbal substance, bitter orange, as their benefits are similar.
Health Benefits of Bitter Orange
Bitter orange is prepared from the bitter orange fruit, botanically known as Citrus aurantium. For centuries the Chinese and the tribes of the Amazon rainforests have used it to treat indigestion, nausea and constipation. Bitter orange supplements are believed to treat heartburn, appetite loss, nasal congestion, weight loss and fungal infections. The two bioactive ingredients in bitter orange are synephrine and octopamine. Both are stimulants that help to increase rate of body metabolism.3However, because its chemical structure is similar to ephedra, some people mistakenly believe that bitter orange has the same negative side effects as ephedra. Bitter orange contains the active compound p-synephrine. Does p-synephrine have the same dangerous side effects as ephedra? Let’s find out.
Is P-Synephrine Dangerous?
Hundreds of studies report the safety and efficacy of p-synephrine. An abstract from “A Review of the Receptor-Binding Properties of p-Synephrine as Related to Its Pharmacological Effects” published in the 2011 Volume of Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity states:4
“Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) extract and its primary protoalkaloid p-synephrine are used widely in weight loss/weight management and sports performance products. Because of structural similarities, the pharmacological effects of p-synephrine are widely assumed to be similar to those of ephedrine, m-synephrine (phenylephrine), and endogenous amine neurotransmitters as norepinephrine and epinephrine. However, small structural changes result in the receptor binding characteristics of these amines that are markedly different, providing a plausible explanation for the paucity of adverse effects associated with the wide-spread consumption of p-synephrine in the form of dietary supplements as well as in various Citrus foods and juices. This paper summarizes the adrenoreceptor binding characteristics of p-synephrine relative to m-synephrine, norepinephrine, and other amines as related to the observed pharmacological effects.”
Another extensive study highlights the reasons for the confusion about bitter orange:5
“Current confusion regarding the safety and efficacy of bitter orange extract and p-synephrine is clouded by multiple issues, including the use of complex mixtures of ingredients in products that include bitter orange extract, the release of misleading information by governmental agencies, and misunderstandings regarding the isomeric forms of synephrine and their differing pharmacological properties. In addition, the projected warnings regarding cardiovascular risks are extrapolated from studies involving m-synephrine and ephedrine which are not components of bitter orange extract, and from studies involving the intravenous administration of p-synephrine at concentrations that are not attained by oral ingestion in foods or supplements.”
The study goes on to reveal a few more valid points: 6
“A final consideration regarding the safety of p-synephrine is the exposure of millions of people who daily consume, without ill effect, various juices and food products as marmalade from Citrus species as
Seville orange, grapefruit, mandarin and other orange-related species that contain p-synephrine.7

* A typical sweet orange contains about 6mg p-synephrine.8
* A wide variety of Citrus juices contain approximately 5mg p-synephrine per 8 ounce glass.9
* A U.S. Department of Agriculture study of the p-synephrine content of mandarin orange juice from 10 different groves in California found that the p-synephrine content ranged from 73 to 158 mg/L, with an overall mean of 93 mg/L.10
* Another study has shown the juice from Clementines, a variety of mandarin oranges, contained on average of 114mg p-synephrine/L while Marrs sweet oranges yielded 85 mg/L.11Therefore, consuming an 8 ounce glass of mandarin orange juice may deliver as much as 40mg
P-synephrine, similar to the amount of p-synephrine in the typical dietary supplement.”
Bitter orange: An effective substitute forDMAAin your supplement formulations.
Bitter orange is the ideal replacement for DMAA in your weight loss or sports nutrition products. Find a reliable supplement manufacturer that has a track record of contract manufacturing success. A supplement manufacturer with an award-wining history will ensure you get products that stand out in the marketplace. Look for optional manufacturing solutions such as label design, packaging options, order fulfillment and storage options that can it make it convenient for you to manufacture your product.

* FDA challenges marketing of DMAA products for lack boom beach hack ios of safety evidence, April 27, 2012.
* Ibid.
* Bitter Orange,
* A Review of the Receptor-Binding Properties of p-Synephrine as Related to Its Pharmacological Effects, Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 482973, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2011/482973.
* The Safety of Citrus aurantium (Bitter Orange) and its Primary Protoalkaloid p鈥怱ynephrine, PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH, Phytother. Res. (2011), Published online in Wiley Online Library( DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3490.
* Ibid
* Pellati et al.,2002, 2004, 2005; Blumenthal, 2004; Avula et best electric kettle review guides al., 2005; Mattoli et al., 2005; Dragull et al., 2008; Arbo et al., 2008; Roman et al., 2008.
* Mattoli et al., 2005.
* Blumenthal, 2004; Pellati et al., 2002, 2004, 2005.
* Dragull et al., 2008.
* Uckoo et al.,2010.

Birth of a Grandchild

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

The birth of a grandchild is a special event. My baby is having a baby any day now. The excitement of welcoming a new family member is in the air. This is my third grandchild that is cracking my heart open once again.
Almost 10 years ago I was preparing for the birth of a grandchild, my first. I asked the Divine to guide me as I planned my trip from Seattle to New York to be with my daughter when she gave birth to my grandson.
Arriving only hours after she gave birth, I was able to hold my beautiful grandson in my arms. It felt as though he were my child as my heart filled with love for best electric kettle review him. That’s how strong our bond is from the moment I held him. What a joy!!!
It was 9 years ago when my granddaughter arrived in Seattle. Standing opposite my son together we welcomed his precious baby girl into the world, another birth of a grandchild for me.
The nurses did their thing as my grandchild lay crying on the table. Gently I placed my hand on her chest and whispered to her how much she is loved. Soothed and relaxed she turned her face toward me and instantly we bonded.
Sacred Feminine Grandma
As a Sacred visit more information Feminine Grandma to my grandson aged 9 1/2 and granddaughter aged 9 I am aware that I carry the Sacred Feminine essence within me from the Divine Mother, my mother and from my ancestors in Ireland.
What a wonderful opportunity I have in being a Sacred Feminine Grandma. It is so different from being a parent. Grandparents do not carry the weight of the responsibilty to raise their grand kids in most cases. So we are free to simply be with these precious beings in the moment with joy.
Gratefully I get to love, accept, be non-judgemental, play, be silly and tell them stories of their Irish lineage. Encouraging them to trust their own intuition and to speak to God in their own way is a rewarding part of being a Sacred Feminine Grandma. And as most grandparents point out you also get to send the grand kids home to their parents at the end of the day.
The birth of a grandchild is a sacred event. We get to witness and celebrate our child bringing a child into the world. As a Sacred Feminine Grandma the only requirement is to be the expression of love. What a joy!!!
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Intuitive Readings Seattle – Reiki Healing Seattle – Meditation Seattle
For more than 28 years I have been helping many people from all walks of life and across the world, including India, China and England. Some clients prefer to come see me in person for an Intuitive Reading. However, the majority of my clients call me for phone sessions.
Intuition is unlimited as God is unlimited so it doesn’t matter whether you are in the same room with me or in Hong Kong! My intention is the same – to serve as a channel of clarity and healing to assist you in all areas of your life. Doing this work makes me truly happy and I blessed to be able to help people and do what I love.
When you set up an Intuitive Reading in Seattle or a phone session with me, it’s best to write down your questions ahead of time. This helps focus your intention on what it you want guidance for in your life.
At the beginning of your Intuitive Reading, I go deep into a meditative state and ask Spirit to allow me to be a clear and pure channel of love, healing and guidance for you. The answer to each question flows through me in words and pictures and the information received is spiritual in nature, yet practical for every day life.
I encourage all of you to:
Live your true potential
Feel your own wholeness
Experience inner peace and joy
Express your creativity
Be who you really are- perfectly human and perfectly Divine
For more information about Reiki Healing, Intuitive Readings and Meditation or scheduling a session, please fill out the online contact form @ or give Maureen a call at (845) 706-HEAL (4325).
Love & Blessings