Archive for the ‘College news’ Category

Features Of Islamic Greeting Cards

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Islamic greeting cards are pretty common for both Muslims and non Muslims. They are used to celebrate great Islamic occasions by friends and family. Islam is a very strong religion with a wide following all over the world and this is one of the reasons why Islamic greeting cards are popular all over the world. The cards are distinct and come with unique features which are worth a mention. First, you will notice that the cards are centered on the Islamic religion. This is because the faith determines what Islamic people do on a daily basis. In other words, Islam is a lifestyle which cannot be divorced from how they do things everyday including sending greeting cards. Many cards will contain religious messages and symbols. However, it will depend on the occasion when sending the cards. On special religious occasions, you will find the following message being written on cards may you be blessed, in remembrance of Allah and the list goes on and on.

Islamic greeting cards will come in many designs and shapes. However, the kind of designs and pictures that Islamic greeting cards come with must be in accordance to the will of Allah or God. In other words, the integrity of the faith must be upheld at every cost. Images that are displeasing will never be accepted and, if you are non Muslim sending cards to Muslim friends, it is good for you head soccer hack cheats to keep this in mind. Look for down to earth cards that are floral or animated. However, do not forget to include what your friend would love. The varieties of Islamic cards will give you good ideas that will help you know the kind of cards to send. When there is a big occasion like Hajj, Ramadan, Eid Ul Fitr or Eid Ul Adha, you will know exactly what to do with the theme and the colors as well. If you need inspiration for cards, it is time you looked online.

Sites like Islamic greeting cards are sure to offer you different options. You can send your cards through email to make your work easier. At the site, you will find a link to other sites where you can enjoy different kinds of cards for Muslims. Let the sites teach you the kind of cards you should be sending out. If you can customize the cards for your recipients, by all means do it. You can also make the cards with your very own hands. Handmade cards are not just personal by they help create a special bond between you and your friends. There is nothing complicated about Islamic cards; all you have to do is have a message that will bring life to your recipients. Have fun while selecting the various cards you choose to go with. Cards will continue to transform relationships and even bridge the gap between religions. A good card will speak to the heart and the love for others is all that matters in life whether Muslim or otherwise.

Acidity – What Are The Symptoms And Causes of Acidity

Monday, August 26th, 2013

Acidity is generally caused by an imbalance between mechanisms of the secretion of acid in the stomach, and protective mechanisms that ensure the stomach’s safety. The stomach secretes acidic fluid that helps in digestion process. But when the stomach exceeds the production of the acid by glands present within it, it results in the situation termed as acidity. Acidity is referred to hyperacidity.
Acidity refers to a set of symptoms caused by an imbalance between the acid secreting mechanism of the stomach and proximal intestine and the protective mechanisms that ensure their safety. The stomach normally secretes acid that is essential in the digestive process. This acid helps in breaking down the food during digestion. When there is excess production of acid by the gastric glands of the stomach, it results in the condition known as acidity.
In acidity, there is a movement of gastric juices (carrying acid) from the stomach into the lower esophagus (food pipe). This condition mainly arises when acidic contents in stomach (hydrochloric acid) move upward into the esophagus and making it dysfunctional.
Symptoms of acidity
1. Burning sensation or pain in the stomach after one to four hours of a meal
2. Feel hungry frequently
3. Constant pain in upper abdomen
4. Belching, nausea, bitter taste in mouth, vomiting and loss of appetite
5. Heartburn is characterized by a deeply placed, burning pain in the chest behind the sternum (breast-bone). It occurs after meals and is precipitated by increase in intra-abdominal pressure like straining or lifting weights.
6. Dyspepsia is a burning or an aching pain in the upper abdomen, sometimes described as a stabbing sensation penetrating through the gut.
Causes of Acidity
Due to some problems in the functioning of the digestive system
Sometimes excessive intake of alcohol also leads to acidity
Acidity also arises either by keeping stomach empty for long time or skipping breakfast
Eating foods rich in fats like chocolates also causes acidity
Pregnancy, aging or obesity can also cause acidity
The body read here secretes bicarbonate into the mucous layer, which neutralizes the acid. Hormone-like substances known as prostaglandins help to keep the blood vessels in the stomach dilated, ensuring adequate blood flow.
Eating junk foods, oily and spicy foods also leads to burning sensation in stomach and
Chest area and causes acidity.
Excessive exposure to sun and heat.
Aspirin and antHnflammatory drugs.
The primary cause of acidity is credited to inappropriate food habits of modern man.
People today hardly ever think about compatibility of food.
Excess acid secretion can also cause acidity and ulcers, when the normal protective lining of the stomach and duodenum (the part of the intestine that joins the stomach), is damaged. The resulting ulcer is called gastric ulcer if it is in the stomach and duodenal ulcer if it is in the duodenum.
Prevention mainly consists of avoiding the known causative factors like alcohol consumption, spicy foods, drugs like NSAID’s, steroids etc. Patients with highly nervous and emotional disposition and those involved in high-stress jobs must be given psychological treatment. Avoiding non-vegetarian diets is also useful in minimising symptoms of acidity.
Acidity Treatment and share our website Advice
1. Eat fruits like apple, watermelon and banana
2. Avoid fried food, pickle, hot and spicy food
3. Take your meals on time
4. Drink plenty of water
5. Don’t skip your meals.
6. Avoid garlic, onion, pepper, radish and cabbage
7. Eat green and mobile strike hack ios leafy vegetables
8. Take light meals that make it easy for digestive system to quickly digest the food you eat.
9. spicy, salty and acidic should be avoided.
10.Smoking and alcohol consumption must be stopped.

Fdi Lead Generation ?Making Business Happen

Monday, August 26th, 2013

FDI lead generation, or Foreign Direct Investment lead generation, to give its proper title, is the technique of investigating foreign markets to provide perfect business partners for UK companies. It鎶?not an easy task, unless you know exactly what you are doing ?which is why Foreign Direct Investment lead generation is best left to the experts. Companies, businesses and organisations looking to expand their marketing power by combining with foreign investors will typically source the services of a tried and tested FDI lead generation outfit, who will find the exact right partners for business investment for a small fee.

Foreign Direct Investment is actually much more familiar to most people than they realise. Every time you hear of a company from another country taking over a British manufacturer (which usually results in a stabilised business, safeguarded jobs and increased productivity, you are almost certainly listening to the end result of a Foreign Direct Investment arrangement. The money pumped in from overseas helps keep the British business or concern on an even keel, and opens up trading partnerships and opportunities both for the home company and its foreign investor.

As such, FDI lead generation is basically a very special form of market research, in which the investigation is directed not towards describing a demographic of customers for a product or service, but towards outlining a community of mutually beneficial companies and businesses, all of whom can help each other by investing in everyone else鎶?activities. In modern business, the concept of Foreign Direct Investment is commonplace ?as the visit more information marketplace for everything goes global, so do the investment opportunities ?and making a partner of a company in a thriving or emerging economy can therefore make very good business sense indeed.
The current base line measure of profitability from FDI lead generation, even in today鎶?less than spectacular economic climate, is very encouraging. On average every single British pound spent directly on Foreign Direct Investment lead generation is expected to return ?0 in revenue. Logically, then, even modest investments in FDI programmes can mean vast returns for the companies or areas involved.

Typically, Foreign Direct Investment is used to bolster the activities of geographic areas in the UK ?which is why FDI lead generation is so often sold to government agencies. A good FDI lead generator can bring enormous sums of foreign money into counties that require money to boost their public spending, community projects and so on: meaning, of course, that the construction companies and other infrastructure organisations involved in creating those projects experience a surge in productivity, profitability and job security.

Foreign Direct Investment is the only way to assure and ensure project growth, company growth and business stability at a time when many UK companies are finding it hard to manage the flow of their incoming revenue. FDI lead generation, then, is more than just an interesting alternative to direct sales, or another way of making a bit of money. It can be a genuine life line, a move that saves jobs, keeps businesses running, and ensures that contracts already committed to can be completed on time and in budget.

Ismaili Flag – Islamic Period

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

“The Islamic state of Medina continued the old Arab custom. In this context, the sources mention two synonyms, i.e., liwa (flag) and rayah (standard). It was liwa (pl alwiyah), which was ordinarily used in all expeditions; but ruyat (pl. of rayah) were used in all the battles. The Islamic armies under the Prophet was drawn from various tribes. Each unit consisted of a tribe, usually fighting under its own chief. Each tribe had its own tribal banner borne aloft by its bravest champion.

This office or military post retained its tribal character through out the period of the Prophet. Nevertheless, the Prophet representing the central authority, had his own banner mostly green in colour. Reuben Levy writes in The Social Structure of Islam (Cambridge, 1962, pp. 434-5) that, “Flags had another significance in Muslim warfare. Each tribe had its own and regarded it as the ralling centre in battle, for near it was the commander.” When the Prophet ordered an expedition in Medina, no call was made aloud or any trumpet was blown, but he planted his green banner in the mosque to rally the Muslims under it.

Statistics show that the military organization in the period of the Prophet took its due course to develop. He appointed a number of military officers and functionaries as and when the strategic and military demands of the time required. With the passage of time, he appointed the officers and functionaries included the commanders of the expeditions (umara’ al-saraya), wing-officers (umara’ al-maimanah), scouts (tali’ah), spies (uyun), guides (dalil), officers to look after booty and the prisoners of war (ashab al-maghanim wa al-asara), officers for weapons and horses (ashab al-silah wa al-faras), body-guards (ashab al-haras), and the standard-bearers (sahib al-liwa wa al-rayah) etc. Ammar bin Yasir relates that the Prophet always liked that every person should fight under the banner of his own unit of forces.

Ibn Abbas narrates that the colour of the Prophet’s flag was green and of standard white. During the battle of Badr, three different banners however were used; the bigger one was in the hands of Ali bin Abu Talib, containing the symbol of an eagle (ukab), representing the force of the Muhajirin.

While the one leading the Ansar was assigned to Sa’d bin Mu’adh. Waqidi (d. 822) writes in Kitab al-Maghazi (London, 1966, p. 226) that the white banner was given to Musab bin Umayr of the clan of Abdul Dar. He carried the Prophet’s white banner in Badr and Uhud in memory of the old privilege of the clan of Abdul Dar. The Prophet however executed overall as a supreme commander in the battle. On the other hand, the Meccans likewise had three banners, one of which was born by Talha bin Abi Talha, the other by Abu Ghazyr bin Umayr, and the third by Nassar bin Harith, all of whom were the descendants of Abdul Dar.

In the battle of Uhud, the Meccans mobilized all their powers and resources and came out to avenge the deaths of their men fallen in the battle of Badr. The Meccans filled the battlefield with the victims of fighting and the banner of the Muslims fell from the hands of Musab bin Umayr when he died bravely. The Prophet called Ali to take over as a standard-bearer. In one hand, he held the banner, and in the other that favourite sword Zulfikar. Thus, Ali took over the banner, which went up unfurled in his hand during the fighting which had reached its climax by that time.

Tabari (d. 923) writes in Tarikh al-Rusul wa al-Muluk (Cairo, 1960, 2:402) that when the Prophet sent his first expedition under the command of his uncle, Hamza towards Sif al-Bahr at the western coast in 629 with 30 soldiers, he also sent one standard-bearer with him. Tabari (2:402) further writes that, “The importance of the symbol may be gauged from the prominence given to the names of those who bore the Prophet’s banner and that of the Ansar at the battle of Badr, also simcity buildit cheat of the standard-bearers in other later engagements. The phrase used for sending out an expedition is to bind on a banner, and the granting of a banner was regarded as the sign of conferring command.”

In the battle of Khaibar in 629, the Prophet declared a day before an operation, “Tomorrow, I will hand over the banner of Islamic army to such a person who is an impetuous warrior and not an absconder; he befriends God and His Apostle and is also befriended by them. God is sure to grant victory on his hands.” Every one of the Prophet’s Companions was anxious to be signalized on the morrow as the friend of God and His Prophet. They passed the night in great anxiety as to which one would prove to be the blessed one. Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas narrates, “I knelt down opposite to the Prophet, and then rose, hoping to obtain the banner.” The Prophet however asked, “Where is Ali bin Abu Talib? Bring him here.” In short, Ali had been given the charge share this website to lead the assault. The green Islamic banner, which the Prophet had planted before his camp besides the tree where it laid through the night, heavy with dew, flew limpidly. The Prophet pulled the banner out from the ground, raised it, and after shaking it three times, he confided it into the right hand of Ali, saying, “Take this standard and march on with it until God grant you victory.” Hubab al-Munzir and Sa’d bin Ubaidah also followed Ali with another banners. For the first time, three distinct banners were used instead of the small pennants hitherto sported in battle.

Jabir bin Abdullah narrates that the Prophet entered in Mecca with white flags at the head of the army. Islamic Shi’ite Encyclopaedia (Beirut, 1970, 2:127) writes that on that memorable day, the banner of Islam was carried by the Ansar leader, Sa’d bin Abadah at the head of the army. No sooner did he see the outskirts of Mecca than his mind was flooded with the memories of the Qoraish hostility towards the Prophet and his followers. He cried out in emotion, “This day is the day of massacre. Today it is permitted to kill in the Kaba.” When the Companions heard this cry, they became terrified and hurried to the Prophet and related to him the words of Sa’d. The Prophet called Ali and said, “Go to Sa’d immediately and take the banner from him. You should be the first one to enter Mecca.” Tabari (2: 445) writes that, “The utterance of Sa’d bin Abadah was defeating the objective of the Prophet, who intended to hoist Islamic banner in Mecca without bloodshed, therefore, he immediately removed Sa’d and designated Ali as his standard-bearer.” This errand was the entry of Mecca with modesty, peace and humble attitude of the Muslims without massacre.

In 629, the Prophet mustered a force of 3000 men at the command of Zaid bin Harith for the Mauta expedition against Shurahbil bin Amir, the Ghassanid governor in Syria. During the thick of the battle, the Muslims found themselves in presence of a force several times more numerous than themselves. Zaid bin Harith seizing the banner, led the charge of the Muslims, plunging into the midst of the enemy ranks until he fell transfixed by their spears. Seeing him fall from his horse, Jafar Taiyar rushed timely to grab the banner from the dying Zaid, and raised it aloft to command the Muslim force. The enemies closed in on the heroic Jafar, who was soon covered with wounds. Fighting at close quarters, Jafar was struck from the side at first on his right hand by the enemies. As the bleeding hand, hung to the flimsy muscles, he took the sword in his left hand, pressing the banner to the saddle. Then the left hand was cut off and as his sword fell, Jafar took the banner from the saddle with the stumps of his bleeding hands. When both his hands were cut off gripping the banner, he still stood firm holding the staff between his two stumps, until the enemies struck him a mortal blow. As Jafar fell from the horse in that blood soaked field of Mauta, Abdullah bin Rawaha immediately took the banner from the slain man. Abdullah bin Rawaha also met death in the encounter. Khalid more information bin Walid assumed control on that juncture. He took the banner and methodically withdrew from the field with the Muslim force and returned to Medina.

It was the common practice that the signal for the attack was given by the waving of the flags or by trumpet blast or both. Baladhuri writes in Futuh al-Buldan (ed. M.J. de Goeje, Leyden, 1866, p. 303) that during the battle of Nihawand, Noman bin Muqaran, the amil said, “I noticed that when the Prophet failed to give battle in the morning he would wait until the sun set and the wind blew.” He added: “I shall now shake the banner I carry three times. At the first shake let each man perform his ablutions and satisfy his natural wants; at the second each attend to his sword and prepare himself. When the third shake comes, charge; and let no man heed his neighbour.”

In sum, during the eight years of fighting, there had been almost 101 expeditions (sariyah, pl. sarayah) and battles (ghazwah, pl. ghazawat), in which 27 were commanded himself by the Prophet, and remaining 74 were led by other persons he nominated. The Prophet is reported to have appointed about 86 standard-bearers (sahib al-liwa wal-rayah) in Medina from among 9 Arabian tribes during the expeditions and battles. The most important from among the Qoraish was Ali, who was assigned the banners as many as ten times. The other standard-bearers were Zubayr bin Awwam of Asad, Hamza bin Abd al-Muttalib of Hashim, Sa’d bin Abi Waqqas of Zuhrarh, Musab bin Umayr of Abdul Dar, Abu Bakr of Taym and Umar bin Khattab of Adi. From among the Khazraj tribe, the famous standard- bearers were Sa’d bin Ubaidah, Hubab al-Munzir, Zaid bin Thabit and Umarah bin Hazm. Among the Aws tribe were Sa’d bin Mu’az and Usayd bin al-Huzayr, etc.

According to The Social Structure of Islam (London, 1957, p. 3), “Before his death in A.D. 632, Muhammad had gathered to his banner most of the inhabitants of Arabia. The exceptions were Jews and a few Christians and Magians, whom he permitted to remain in their own faith provided they recognized his political overlordship by the payment of a poll-tax.”

One rare banner preserved in the Topkapi Saray Museum at Istanbul, called as-Sinjaqu

Los Altos Air Conditioning Replacements

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Air conditioning points to the activities of regulating heat, humidity and other air conditions in buildings and locomotives. The major aspects of the atmospheric elements that are of concern are water vapor content and heat. Air conditioners also called ACs or air cons are the equipments that regulate these conditions. They vary so much in size depending on their use. They may be huge system units or small portable devices. Los Altos air spider man unlimited hack conditioning personnel have good skills.

ACs can heat, cool, ventilate or even modified spider man unlimited hack to do disinfection. The four processes promote the quality of air in the atmosphere making it comfortable for human occupation. Major principles under which the appliances work to achieve their functions are evaporation, refrigeration cycles and condensation. Air regulation is an activity that began long time ago with the use of fans and other crude devices as the major regulators. With advancement in technology, modifications, improvements and inventions have given rise to beautiful, cheap and effective devices.

Various components of the appliances are made from different materials. Fans are majorly made of feather light metals or alloys and covered using abrasion resistant coatings. Additional materials that make the body are melamine and plastics. They are made to be tough in order to resist extreme temperatures inside the appliance and still serve effectively. Most air cons come in white or gray colors for the body but other components might have different colors.

Depending on their size, they may be permanent at a point in the building or may be movable from one place to another. The permanent ones are installed by company technicians and in the case of problems the company should be contacted to send its own staff to sort the issue out. Smaller makes have wheels to assist in portability. They are also fixed with handles for pushing and pulling on smooth surfaces.

Two main categories of air conditioning applications are process and comfort applications. Process applications are important industries and hospitals. They should be able to give necessary conditions for given processes. The processes are usually susceptible to damages or injuries if variations in air conditions or quality occur. For instance, surgical operations like heart surgery require slightly lower temperatures for the whole time of the procedure without fluctuations. Integrated circuit manufactures also have to ensure steady and quality of the air inside and around the clean rooms in order to avoid destruction of the chips.

Comfort applications are meant to give endurable and comfortable conditions within walls. They ensure that the interior state do not vary broadly as the exterior does. Relative humidity must be maintained at certain levels while temperatures should not vary widely from a certain point of reference.

Conditioning has resulted into construction of tall and wide buildings. This is because they can be installed by their own aeration systems without depending on the surrounding environment for ventilation. As heights increase, many atmospheric elements also change. For line rangers hack jailbreak example, the speed of wind almost doubles with every mile of ascending. This makes it impractical to maintain the same external conditions as the interior.

Los Altos air conditioning equipments and applications are among the highest ranking in the world. Many companies put in a lot of efforts to remain on the competitive edge. They produce quality appliances and replacements.

Oh, boy—-Presidency of Barack Obama

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Oh, boy—-Presidency of Barack Obama 44th President of the United States
Barack Obama being sworn in as President of the United States.
See also: Timeline of the Presidency of Barack Obama
The Presidency of Barack Obama began at noon EST on January 20, 2009 when he became the 44th President of the United States. Obama was a United States Senator from Illinois at the time of his victory over Arizona Senator John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. Obama became the first African-American president of the United States.
His policy decisions have addressed a global financial crisis and have included changes in tax policies, legislation to reform the United States health care industry, foreign policy initiatives and the phasing out of detention of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba. He attended the G-20 London summit and later visited U.S. troops in Iraq. On the tour of various European countries following the G-20 summit, he announced in Prague that he intended to negotiate substantial reduction in the world’s nuclear arsenals, en-route to their eventual extinction. In October 2009, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.” Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11E Battery
Main article: Presidential transition of Barack Obama
The presidential transition period began following Obama’s election to the presidency on November 4, 2008. The Obama-Biden Transition Project was co-chaired by John Podesta, Valerie Jarrett, and Pete Rouse. During the transition period, Obama announced his nominations for his Cabinet and administration. Shortly after the election on November 4, Obama chose Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois as his Chief of Staff.[5] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11L Battery
Cabinet nominations included former Democratic primary opponents Hillary Rodham Clinton for Secretary of State and Bill Richardson for Secretary of Commerce (although the latter withdrew on January 4, 2009). Obama appointed Eric Holder as his Attorney General, the first African-American appointed to that position. He also nominated Timothy F. Geithner to serve as Secretary of the Treasury.[6] On December 1, Obama announced that he had asked Robert Gates to remain as Secretary of Defense, making Gates the first Defense head to carry over from a president of a different party.[7] He nominated former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Susan Rice to the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, which he restored to a Cabinet-level position.[8] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11M Battery
During his transition, he maintained a website, on which he wrote blogs to readers and uploaded video addresses by many of the members of his new cabinet.[9] He announced strict rules for federal lobbyists, restricting them from financially contributing to his administration and forcing them to stop lobbying while working for him.[10] The website also allowed individuals to share stories and visions with each other and the transition team in what was called the Citizen’s Briefing Book, which was given to Obama shortly after his inauguration.[11] Most of the information from was transferred to the official White House website just after Obama’s inauguration.[12] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11S Battery
Inauguration of Barack Obama
Barack Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. He officially assumed the presidency at 12:00 noon, EST,[13] and completed the oath of office at 12:05 PM, EST. He delivered his inaugural address immediately following his oath. After his speech, he went to the President’s Room in the House Wing of the Capitol and signed three documents: a commemorative proclamation, a list of Cabinet appointments, and a list of sub-Cabinet appointments, before attending a luncheon with congressional and administration leaders and invited guests.[14] To commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of former President Abraham Lincoln, the same Bible that was used for Lincoln’s inauguration was used in Obama’s inauguration.[15] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ11Z Battery
In administering the oath, Chief Justice John G. Roberts misplaced the word “faithfully” and erroneously replaced the phrase “President of the United States” with “President to the United States” before restating the phrase correctly; since Obama initially repeated the incorrect form, some scholars argued the President should take the oath again.[16] On January 21, Roberts readministered the oath to Obama in a private ceremony in the White House Map Room, making him the seventh U.S. president to retake the oath; White House Counsel Greg Craig said Obama took the oath from Roberts a second time out of an “abundance of caution”.[17] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ15G Battery
First 100 days
Main article: First 100 days of Barack Obama’s presidency
Obama’s 100th day in office was April 29, 2009. In his first post-election interview with 60 Minutes, Obama said that he has been studying Roosevelt’s first 100 days,[18] while adding, “The first hundred days is going to be important, but it’s probably going to be the first thousand days that makes the difference.”[19] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ15T Battery
Oama’s first 100 days were highly anticipated ever since he became the presumptive nominee.[20] Several news outlets created web pages dedicated to covering the subject.[21] Commentators weighed in on challenges and priorities within domestic, foreign, economic, and environmental policy.[22][23][24][25] CNN lists a number of economic issues that “Obama and his team will have to tackle in their first 100 days”, foremost among which is passing and implementing a recovery package to deal with the financial crisis.[24] Clive Stafford Smith, a British human rights lawyer, expressed hopes that the new president will close Guantanamo Bay detention camp in his first 100 days in office. Sony VAIO VGN-FZ17 Battery
After aides of the president announced his intention to give a major foreign policy speech in the capital of an Islamic country, there were speculations in Jakarta that he might return to his former home city within the first 100 days.[26]
The New York Times devoted a five-part series, which was spread out fallout shelter more details cheats tool over two weeks, to anticipatory analysis of Obama’s first hundred days. Each day, the analysis of a political expert was followed by freely edited blog postings from readers. The writers compared Obama’s prospects with the situations of Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 16, Jean Edward Smith),[27] John F. Kennedy (January 19, Richard Reeves),[28] Lyndon B. Johnson (January 23, Robert Dallek),[29] Ronald Reagan (January 27, Lou Cannon),[30] and Richard Nixon. Sony VAIO VGN-FZ17G Battery
Legislation and executive orders
Within minutes of taking the Oath of Office on January 20, Obama’s Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, issued an order suspending last-minute federal regulations pushed through by outgoing President George W. Bush, planning to review everything still pending.[31] Due to the economic crisis, the President enacted a pay freeze for Senior White House Staff making more than $100,000 per year,[32] as well as announcing stricter guidelines regarding lobbyists in an effort to raise the ethical standards of the White House.[33] He asked for a waiver to his own new rules, however, for the appointments of William Lynn to the position of Deputy Defense Secretary, Jocelyn Frye to the share this site position of director of policy and projects in the Office of the First Lady, and Cecilia Muñoz to the position of director of intergovernmental affairs in the executive office of the president, leading to some criticism of hypocrisy and violation of his pledge for governmental openness.[34][35] Sony VAIO VGN-FZ18 Battery

Acheive Happiness Through Sacred Song Lyrics And Healing Music Mantras

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Have you been searching for happiness and inner peace?
How would you like to stop that chatter box in your head, right now, and live a happy and peaceful life?
Can you stop for a moment and just breathe. Do it now. Can you hear yourself? Isn’t your mind saying something else?
Something like… “you just don’t have the time”, or “do this later…”
Well, believe it or not, our own minds can be very detrimental to our happy being.
What we don’t realize is that we are a living like a robot. Our daily activities are stressful. We are rushing here and there, and then suddenly you realize… What for? Who Cares?
So take a real time-out ….and start listening to yourself…really listening…
After many years of singing and writing music, I discovered ancient healing chants while visiting India.
I had participated in a singing class with some true chanting masters. Boy read here what an awakening share this site !!!!
But you don’t need to be a singer to do this, just repeat the following words:
Om Anandamayi Chaitanyamayi Satyamayi Parame
It is called the BLISS MANTRA and it is used to achieve true happiness and inner peace and joy. Try it …
The daily practice of chanting mantras helps us create the best future possible by learning to focus in the present moment.
When all is still, I feel this amazing inner calm, a sense of peace. Now you don’t need to go to India to feel this, you can do it right there where you are now. Or you can just listen to my CD, Zen Voyage for other different share our website mantras.
Get your copy and let me know what happened. If you would like a FREE mp3 to hear, please sign up at for the BUZZ e-list and get your sample once you have signed.

Achieving Your Goals by the Use of the Universal Law of Attraction

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

“If you always attach positive emotions to the things you want, and never attach negative emotions to the things you don’t, then that which you desire most will invariably come your way.”- Matt D. Miller
Setting your goals and achieving them requires the universal law of attraction. Desires start from within and when they do, it is not long before actions, ideas and thoughts become obeyed. Frankly, how do you ask the universe to give you those things you crave for? Do you believe that you’ll receive them? Not all people do believe that they can have the things they want, and that is why some people never get what they want. They don’t realize their dreams and goals.
Four Tips for Achieving Your Goals
1.) Ask the Universe: The universal law of attraction states that when we ask, we shall receive. You can have things whenever you want them and in the amount that suits you, all you have to do is to ask the universe. Nonetheless, when it comes to achieving your goals, we google play gift card cheats are first talking about having a clear idea of what it is we are aiming for. This implies that your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound.
2.) The Way in Which You Ask: Of course, the way in which you ask the universe plays an important role of the outcome. You have to remember that the universe hears your request as you make it and responds to it. What I mean here is that if your first thought is along the lines of “I want a brand new Ferrari” the response from the universe is, “Your wish is my command.” However, if your thought is quickly followed with the idea that your goal is never going to be achieved, the universe will say, “Your goal will not be achieved.”
The law of attraction is based on the belief, “like attracts like.” If you focus yourself on positives things, you’ll get positive results and vice versa. Focus your thoughts that you’ll achieve your goals.
3.) Your Actions: When you have set your goal subway surfers hack online and you have asked the universe, your mind automatically leads you towards achieving the goal. Without even being aware of it, you successfully complete small tasks of your goal. Opportunities open up to help you reach the goal. Every morning when you wake up, have passion for your goal and your mind will start working towards the attainment of your goal.
The process requires your effort and discipline. You have to know that things are not going to fall into place on their own; you have to work and manage your time properly. For example, if you really want to move up the ladder at work then show your willingness that you’re ready by working efficiently and volunteering for whatever you can.
4.) Remain Positive: In order for the universal law of attraction to help you share our website in achieving your goals, you need to remain positive. Have faith that the universe can provide you with whatever you wish. Never should you doubt your competence.
Be conscious of what is going around you and keep on learning something new that will help you to achieve your goal. Grasp every opportunity with enthusiasm if you want to achieve your goal you have set. Believe that you’ll achieve them the exact way you want them.

Delicious Oolong Tea Blends

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

If you’re ready for something a little different at tea time, try a flavored oolong tea. Many Westerners have not experienced the delicious flavor of oolong tea in any form. With a different flavor than black, green or white teas, oolongs are a rare treat. When paired with another flavor, oolong teas are quite exceptional.

Oolong tea is very popular in Asia. It was first created in China and is still considered China’s national tea. In the West, however, it is one of the least familiar tea varieties.

Oolong tea is also sometimes known as Wulong tea, after it’s originator. According to Chinese legend, Wu Liang, a Chinese tea gardener, was busy collecting and processing tea leaves when he spotted a river deer. He stopped to kill and prepare the deer and it interrupted his tea processing for the day. He forgot to dry out the leaves, and only remembered them the next day.

By this time it had begun to change color, and Wu Liang was afraid it had gone bad, but decided to finish drying it anyway. After completing the drying process, he made himself a cup and found that he had created a very flavorful and aromatic tea ?and oolong was born.

Oolong tea, in terms of processing, falls somewhere between green and black tea. Oolong tea is semi-fermented, meaning that it does go through a fermentation process, but for a shorter time than black tea.

Tea leaves for oolong tea are picked early in the day and then dried indoors to promote fermenting. But, the fermentation process must be stopped when the leaves are 30% red and 70% green. Once fermentation has stopped, the tea leaves are rubbed, which releases the aroma, flavor and texture. Finally, the leaves are dried using charcoal, before they are graded for quality and sent for packaging.

Most oolong tea is grown in the Fujian region of China, but some is grown in Taiwan, and a small amount is grown in the Darjeeling region of India and in Vietnam.

In Taiwan, oolong tea is referred to as Formosa tea, in reference to the country’s original name. Formosa tea is sometimes fermented for a shorter period of time than in China; sometimes the leaves are only about 15% fermented, compared to the typical 30%. These Taiwanese oolong teas are known as “pouchongs”. In addition, Taiwanese oolong teas are dried in the sun rather than indoors.

Oolong teas have a very fruity flavor, often with smoky or toasted undertones. They are typically very fragrant teas, often with a floral aroma. Because of the natural fruitiness of oolong teas, they are often blended with other fruit flavors. The combination of oolong tea with other fruits only enhances the oolong’s natural flavor. Some of the most common blends of oolong include:

Coconut Oolong ?This oolong tea has a very tropical taste. The combination of the fruity oolong or pouchong tea with the sweetness of coconut creates a light and sweet tea. Because it is light and flavorful, this tea is equally delicious hot or cold.

Orange Oolong ?Oolong tea is often blended with orange blossoms or bergamot oil. Orange blossom oolong will provide a very light and sweet orange flavor to the tea. Oolong tea flavored with bergamot oil will be bolder and more flavorful. Bergamot oil comes from the very citrusy bergamot orange and is the flavor used in all Earl Grey teas. Hence, you’ll see this tea labeled as Earl Grey oolong.

Orchid Oolong ?This is a very rare oolong, scented with real orchid petals. It can only be produced at certain times of year, when the right orchids are blooming. It produces a very fragrant and lightly sweet tea. When buying this tea, be certain that it has been flavored with real orchid petals rather than an artificial flavoring.

Peach Oolong ?Many people describe the fruitiness of oolong tea as resembling the flavor of peaches. So, adding peach pieces to oolong tea is a natural choice. The addition simply enhances oolong’s natural aroma and flavor.

Almond Blossom Oolong ?Oolong tea flavored with almond blossom and slivers of almond provides a light and sweet tea with just a hint of almond flavor.

You may also find other blends of oolong tea. With its natural fruity flavor, oolong tea can combine well with nearly any fruit and with many other botanicals, as well. Drinking flavored oolong teas can provide another taste more information dimension to the already flavorful taste of oolong. Additional flavors and aromas make the tea go well at different times of the day and with different foods.

Consider for example, choosing a spirited flavored oolong like Earl Grey oolong for a mid day meal, or a glass of iced coconut oolong on a hot afternoon. A mild almond blossom oolong can provide a perfect way to wind down after a stressful day.

Oolong teas are some of the most versatile teas available. You may find them a bit harder to locate and somewhat expensive, but they are certainly worth the effort and the expense. Oolong is a tea with many dimensions and one that roblox cheats tool provides some of the most complex and subtle flavor combinations. Spend a little time experiencing the many different flavors available in oolong tea. You’re certain to find quite a few that you’ll want to enjoy again and again.

Marcus Stout is President and Owner of Golden Moon Tea. For more information about tea go to or visit our blog at

Jon Stout is Chairman of the Golden Moon Tea Company. For more information about tea, white tea and wholesale tea go to

Obtain a Personal Loan to Complete Last Minute Wedding Expenses

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

Wedding is one of the nearly everyone looked ahead to and one time in a life span event in a person’s life. However, we all be acquainted with that with increasing expenses, the feeling of the bride or bridegroom can be subdued. For an event as grand as a wedding, you want to make sure to leave no stone unturned. But the problem arises how a person with limited means to accomplish this goal does.
This is particularly true since major heads like outfits, jewelry, venue, catering; etc. end up estimate a lot more than what you may have budgeted for. For clothes, even non-designer be dressed in costs a lot of money. Jewelry is incredible that is tremendously important whether it is to be worn or to be gifted to your partner and for this reason there cannot be any compromises there. The venue is one area where you will be judged by people. As far as catering is concerned, it is undoubtedly extremely important as you want to make sure that the best spread is offered to the guests on the auspicious wedding day.
Though, be anxious not as banks these days have happened to appreciate the significance of such life events & offer personal loans in order to fulfill these requirements. We are providing personal loans with attractive interest rates so that a shortage of funds doesn’t act as a roadblock. This loan can help you fill the preferred gap between the planning and execution of your dream wedding. It can take care of the liquidity chomp you may be experiencing because of allocating your resources for a variety of dissimilar things.
The personal loan for wedding will top up your bank account. So be it to appear totally dramatic on your wedding day or provide the best amenities to guests, you may rest guaranteed that you will have the resources to expand the desired hospitality to one and all.
So now the million dollar question – When to choose for a personal loan to take care of wedding expenses?
The reply check more to the question lies in addressing the underneath points:
Income: If you are someone with a fixed income and can take care of the personal loan EMI for the tenure you choose for, then there is no damage if you apply for wedding loans. However, if you struggle to make ends get together then perhaps this is not for you.
Other Loans: If you previously feel pressured by an existing home loan/car loan, then an extra loan would only mean additional pressure of reimbursement. However, if you can contentedly manage your money owing then you have to go for the loan to run last minute wedding expenses.
Spending Habits: If you are an obsessive person paying and so is your future spouse, then you needs to think before applying for this loan. However, if as a couple you can chart out a plan of reimbursement and desire to make the D-day special, then going for this loan is just the correct product for you.
In terms of reimbursement, make sure that this loan does not have an effect on your future monetary goals adversely. You must be able to put aside sufficient to make the EMI payment towards the loan. An share this site ideal situation would be to take the loan for at least amount, tenure and make the payment.
With the right preparation, you can apply for Personal Loan and make sure a dream wedding!